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Ham Logging Software for Macintosh

MacLoggerDX Customer Comments

MacLoggerDX was designed from first principles to suit the mainstream DX’er. We strive constantly to keep the design simple and elegant. Since 2002 we have relied on the feedback of experienced users, and this has resulted in an uncommonly high level of customer satisfaction. We did not design MacLoggerDX to emulate other Windows logging programs, we want it to be the best logging program you can buy.

On July 1, 2024 William Santos (KN6UDK) wrote:

Top notch, highest quality logging software with many features.

I've owned MacLoggerDX for several years, and it has been an excellent experience. From automatic uploading of QSLs to LoTW, eQSL, QRZ, etc., to radio and rotor control, QSL lookups, and basic, rock solid logging, this is a fine product. It features real-time maps of your QSLs, Dx Spotting, contesting features, support for POTA, SOTA, printing of labels and/or QSL cards, and much more. It even tightly integrates with wsjtx for seamless control of your rig on FT8 and other digital modes.

Customer service is of the highest quality. Don has personally responded to my email over the years and has always had a solution to what I was trying to do with the program. He has thought about everything imaginable in terms of features. Though I consider myself very familiar with the program, I'm constantly learning of new things it can do. The detailed documentation is very well written, and a great guide to using this app powerfully.

I'm extremely happy with MLDx, and highly recommend the program and Dog Park Software for all your logging needs!

On April 29, 2024 Jonathan Perkins (G4IVV) wrote:

The best logging program for Mac.

I switched to MacLoggerDX towards the end of last year and am so pleased that I did. My original reason for switching was that I wanted a logging program that easily tracked both starting and ending QSO times, which MacLoggerDX does nicely. As well as doing all the basic logging very well, I love the SOTA and POTA integration, the band maps and cluster filtering. It makes DX hunting and chasing summits and parks a pleasure. Don provides excellent support and has been very responsive to requests or suggestions for new features.

On January 15, 2024 Dean Luplow (WA8YWR) wrote:

Jack-of-All-Trades Logging Software.

After being an inactive ham for 37 years I returned to the hobby 2 years ago to find tremendous technological advances in all areas, including logging. I explored all the logging options for the Mac environment, tried several programs, and ultimately settled on MacLoggerDX as the most intuitive, comprehensive, well documented, and well supported logging programs for my needs.

The integration of MacLoggerDX with my present rig, a Yaesu FTDX10, has been flawless, automating many functions with the click of a mouse. In addition to basic logging, MacLoggerDX integrates QSL'ing with LoTW, eQSL, and Club Log absolutely automatically for both sending and receiving QSL's. DX clusters allow for accurate DX spotting that is customizable to target general or specific situations as well as providing audible, text, or email notifications of specific DX spotting activities. MacLoggerDX very accurately tracks awards being pursued, revealing at a glance or in great detail, the status of the award being tracked virtually automatically. Contest activities are customizable and also handled automatically in terms of both logging and scoring of contests. Digital mode software such as FT8 and RTTY are seamlessly integrated in the MacLoggerDX program, allowing digital communication to be accomplished with minimal setup and operational action required. These items are only a general overview of MacLoggerDX software and so much more exists in the program that cannot be covered in a review such as this.

Just as importantly, if not more important, is the excellent support provided by MacLoggerDX. There is a very active forum for the program in which questions and/or clarifications of the operational aspects of MacLoggerDX are addressed. Unlike most forums for software, the author of MacLoggerDX, Don, VE3VRW, most often answers the questions himself very shortly after the question is posted. That is most impressive and speaks volumes as to the dedication of the author to his program and its users. There is also a provision to email Don directly and his responses are extremely prompt and complete, although this method does not benefit the entire usership.

In summary, MacLoggerDX software is a comprehensive, easy to use logging program (and more) that has frequent upgrades, often based on user suggestions with more than excellent support. Additionally, the program is available at a very reasonable price. MacLoggerDX is very highly recommended.

On November 6, 2023 Edward P Asmus, Jr (K8UKE) wrote:

Seemlessly links all my qso's and the support is fantastic.

I cannot believe how well it works. It also supports AppleScript. I have written numerous routines that make my ham life much quicker and enjoyable.

On October 11, 2023 Bart M Scelina (2E0OLA) wrote:

Worth every penny spent

I've been using Maclogger DX from the very beginning after passing my license in 2016. It's been quite expensive at first glance but after years of using it I can say that it's been worth every penny I spent on it. The software itself has great, uncomplicated and transparent interface, works seamlessly and I guarantee you that you won't find any better customer support than Don in the world. I've contacted him on several occasions (mainly due to the lack of knowledge) and he would always reply to my emails with a solution in less than 15 minutes. Simply the best!

On August 29, 2023 Andrew J O Brien (KB2EOQ) wrote:

Creative logging features and DX alerting.

After almost 30 years of Windows use on various computers I switched to Mac OS a couple of weeks ago. After a bit of research I decided to try MacLogger DX as my new logbook. I have been a serious user of DXBase, Logger 16 beta tester, HRD Log beta tester, Log4OM and my favorite DX Keeper (part of DX Lab Suite). I am astounded by what MacLogger can do easily , and how it is presented visually. The software does not contain all the SQL database capabilities that DX Keeper does , nor does it contain the in-depth alerting capabilities of DX Lab's Spotcollector, but it does what 90% of hams are likely to seriously need. I like how I can easily see what needed items are presented in the cluster page , no need for cluttered Gridtracker or "New Country" voice alerts. It does voice alerts but you can keep the announcements to a minimum and , at a glance, see more details on the screen. The ability to simply .. click, drag, capture, a few QSOs for upload to LoTW, QRZ, eQSL, Clublog, is especially slick . The best I have seen for that type of procedure. The Log panel is also very visually appealing. So appealing that I have now dedicated a new monitor to enjoy the look-up features and three pictures of the last three logged or looked up. The map feature appeared ho-hum initially . However after reading a bit more about it in the manual I now really like it. It visually shows spots and grids I have worked . The QSL creator and email/print QSL cards is very well implemented . The help manual is a bit limited and the Google-group used for user support/discussion is not very active, not as good as DX Lab's users group. Andy K3UK/ ex KB2EOQ

On May 12, 2023 Andy Glenn (M0VOX) wrote:

Excellent and very comprehensive logging software

I've been using MacLoggerDX for many years now. I find the integration with other products to be excellent, and it has a wealth of tools to make log management a seamless task. I am a Mac user anyway, but even if I wasn't, I'd run a Mac just for MacLoggerDX (and MacDoppler which is also excellent). I highly recommend it!

On January 31, 2023 Brad Shoemaker (VE3CGD) wrote:

Impressive Software, Support & Setup

Software designed for the Mac is just better. MacloggerDX is impressive with drop down menus that make set up easy. If it is not intuitive enough, they have links that include youtube setup and use videos. The 3D map is beautiful and the DX Clusters are extensive and open up Ham possibilities. Even something as simple as having a list of scheduled stations made it easy for SWL. Now I am not the kind of person to run for support without attempting to fix things on my own - and the documentation and resources are there to do it but sometimes, I get stuck. A quick email to Don, was met with a fast and accurate response. In a day when chatbots pass as 'support', having a real, intelligent human being at the other end is refreshing and worth every penny.

On January 9, 2023 Alan Horne (G0TPH) wrote:

Excellent logging software for Mac

I've been using MacLoggerDX for many years and I've found it has always been stable (never crashed), reliable and easy to use. The support is very good and Don is quick to respond to queries. Updates for new functionality is free. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use. Integration with LOTW and Club Log is straightforward. Rig control is easy to set up and rock solid (I use a KX3). There are lots of options on layout and sub windows which allows customisation. A great piece of software!

On December 31, 2022 Terry E Hunt (K4HNT) wrote:

MacLoggerDX is the best logging program...

I have been using MacLoggerDX for over a year. It installed and setup very easily, especially for a new Mac user. I use it almost everyday. Issues are few and far between and an simple email to Don and it is fixed very quickly. This is a quality logging application that rivals the features of Windows Ham Radio Deluxe. Don spend a lot of time making sure everything is top notch and it shows. My setup: I use FLRig for rig control, and connect MacLogger to it (MacLogger has built in rig control but I have always used FLRig). I also have easily connected MacLogger to wsjtx, js8call, and fldigi...everything just works. Do I sound like a happy customer? That's because I am!! You simply can not go wrong with this program for ham radio logging on a Mac.

On December 19, 2022 Brian Cahill (K2ACX) wrote:

Fantastic Product and Support

I'm a satisfied user of 2+ years. There are so few choices for ham radio software on Mac. Fortunately, MLDX is a standout that sets a high bar for a general-purpose logging program on any platform.
Highlights include:
- The interface and integration with LoTW make it simple and intuitive to track your history, awards, and confirmations
- Easy to customize views according to your activities
- Rig control is easy to set up, even if (like me) you're not into computers
- Comprehensive online documentation to illustrate its various capabilities
- Tech support is superb: Don VE3VRW stands behind his program and is very responsive, friendly, and helpful. I don't think you can say that about many ham radio products.

On November 13, 2022 Kirk Benson (NH6PK) wrote:

Excellent Software, Superb Support

I've owned and used MacLoggerDX just over three months. It was recommended by a friend, whom I trust. My friend had mentioned the great support by Don, VE3VRM. Over the last three months I've reached out to Don a couple times with questions, and he responded almost immediately, to my satisfaction. Recently I've been having an I/O error writing logs to my MLDX log file. Again, Don responded promptly and assisted me with troubleshooting. After numerous emails, Don mentioned it was a problem with my hard drive and not the software. He continued to provide me great advice to allow me to rectify the situation. You cannot beat his support. Don is a man who stands behind his software and I would recommend MacLoggerDX to all Hams using a Mac. I love the software and all the great features. I doubt I will ever use anything else. Buy it now!!

On August 29, 2022 Stephan Andrews (K7KO) wrote:

Wow. The gold standard for Logging Software

I am continually amazed at the features in MacLoggerDX. I am an automation controls engineer and use software of all types for my job. The User Interface, breadth of options, and SQL database on MacLoggerDX put it in a class by itself among excellent competition. I use Mac products and Windows PCs extensively, and for a multitude of reasons, I prefer to primarily use the MacOS and run Windows Virtual Machines using VMWare or Windows PCs as needed. It is super helpful to me to be able to use MacLoggerDX on a MAC because all my main computers are Mac. Plus I have two iPads. I really appreciate using the MacLoggerDX on an iPad while operating portable from my car. I do not want to be forced to run a Windows PC or Windows VM just to do Ham Radio logging, and it is a huge help to me that I can use MacLoggerDX natively on the MacOS. And to top it all off, Don Agro's response time to my few technical email questions has been shockingly fast and on target every time. Super happy with MacLoggerDX.

On June 29, 2022 Ilan Paim (G0UUT) wrote:

discover the different 10/10 gold

the best of the best program work perfect with iOS support is just fantastic very very quick top notch

On June 28, 2022 Jeff Bedard (KB3ESH) wrote:

Amazing support!

I encountered several challenges while trying to get my radio connected. Don provides great set up instructions which I followed but still wasn’t able to connect my radio to MacLogger DX. I emailed the debug log to Don and he responded promptly, identifying the issues from the log and provided additional directions. I still encountered difficulties and continued to email Don, who literally responded in minutes to my emails, with additional guidance. Finally, it turned out that the issue was with my USB cable which he had suggested I swap out. The kind of patient, responsive and thorough customer support that Don provides is a rare thing these days. MacLoggerDX is a great product with absolutely amazing support.

On April 6, 2022 Steven Rutledge (KW7Q) wrote:

Highly recommend MacLogger DX.

I have used this software for almost a year, sort of on and off at first. But as I learn the details, I really like it. I am not using it as my logging program. I like how easy it is to upload contacts to LOTW. Don provides truly outstanding support. I recommend MAcLogger DX to anyone with a MAC in their shack.

On February 12, 2022 Glenn Edans (K5DWV) wrote:

Great logger, software and support

I've been a long-time user of MacLogger DX, since 2004. It is my only log program and it works very well. Don has kept up with every Mac OS X release and hardware change over the last nearly two decades. The customer support has always been fast and helpful. The addition of dark mode is an example of the developer's keeping up with the Mac environment. Rig control is flawless (Flex, Elecraft & Icon). I've used some other Mac-based and Windows-based loggers and MLDX wins hands down. Import & export tools work well and integration with other services (LoTW, eQSL, etc.) is rock solid. Worth the price! 73 K5DWV

On December 1, 2021 Frank Peyton (KN4ONT) wrote:

Fantastic Logging Software for Mac Users

Beautiful piece of logging software for Mac users. It can practically do anything involving logging contacts and then some. I have it on my Mac and IPad. Don Agro provides superior support. Very responsive and patient. Practically holds your hand while trying to overcome whatever issue may arise. Don has a wealth of knowledge that really comes in handy when you call upon him for assistance. Can’t say enough nice things about Don Argo and MaxLoggerDX. Great investment.

On September 20, 2021 Tor Langvand (K4TOR) wrote:

My Macbook runs the show

Superb logging (and a LOT more) software. The support from Don is absolutely superb. Clear, and to the point. I though I was going to have to get a PC for the shack until I ran across this jewel. Currently running it on my 15 inch Macbook, with two external 24 inch monitors. The Macbook is also controlling a TS-890 through theMLDX, and works flawlessly.

On June 4, 2021 Marion R McMillan, III (KO4HJO) wrote:

The very best logging software for the Mac; Period

I'm a physician and a new ham with my General license for 10 months. Amateur radio is a whole new world of terms, protocols, antennas, and other equipment and resources to learn and use. With regard to digital modes and interfaces, most of the available software is in the Windows format. I am a recovering Windows user now firmly committed to the Macintosh system. I was having trouble finding full featured software for any purpose, especially logging. I really don't care for "free" software like CocoaModem and Fldigi, because there is NO support for beginners and nasty viruses hang out on the freeware sites. I found MacLoggerDX and decided to give it a try. As predicted, I was initially overwhelmed by its capabilities and reached out for help. Not only was the response timely, but detailed and tailored to my problem. I am particularly impressed with the seamless integration into LoTW/TQSL, WSJT digital modes, and the "debug log" which can be sent to the developer if you make a mistake so it can be quickly found and corrected. Sooo useful. I had misentered my grid square locator in MacLogger, which didn't match the entry in the TQSL callsign certificate needed to upload to LoTW. I emailed the debug log to Support at 10:00 one evening expecting to get a response the next day. Someone returned my inquiry in 10 minutes with the correct answer!! I had correctly entered all 32 of my QSO's into LoTW over the next 30 minutes. In addition, the "Memories" tab contains preprogrammed shortwave stations for listening to music, talk, politics, etc, that can be located with one touch tuning via the integrated CAT controls. Just a fantastic program with outstanding support. If you are a Mac enabled ham in need of professional grade logging software with many nice amenities, look no further. Don Argo and the staff at Dogpark software have made MacLogger DX the undisputed leader. No doubt about it. Try it, you won't be disappointed or need to look anywhere else.
Marion R. McMillan MD.

On February 5, 2021 Steven R Lett (KB3TAW) wrote:

Excellent logging software for Mac users


I have been a Mac person for several years. As you know, most amateur radio software is written for PC’s. I was determined to find logging software that would work on my Mac. I am so glad that I found and purchased the MacLogger DX software in 2017. What a great value for the money.

The software is extremely easy to use. I am not a very technical operator but I had no trouble understanding and setting up the MacLogger DX software. I am running the software on a 27” iMac and I operate my station on an Elecraft K3. I simply click on the station I want to work and my K3 changes frequency or bands automatically automatically. .

I also linked the MacLogger DX software to QRZ.com so that all of the contact information is automatically populated. No look-up required. MacLogger also displays the image posted on QRZ.com.

The software is extremely robust. It includes many features. The developer, Don, thought of everything. I have used several other logger software programs and nothing compares with MacLogger DX.

Contacts are confirmed automatically in real time. No more files to upload to LoTW, Club Log or to other sites.

I have not encountered a single issue since purchasing and using this software. It’s reliable and it works. What’s more, Don is constantly keeping the software up-to-date.

I should also say that software is only as good as the support you receive. Don and his team respond almost immediately to questions. If I get stuck on a problem or issue I know that Don will help me. I first try to determine the solution on my own but once in awhile I need help. I have MacLogger DX set-up and working great and I have tried to take advantage of the many features it offers.

I highly recommend MacLogger DX.

On December 11, 2020 Steven Schopp (KD2BS) wrote:

Support Second to None!

I've used MacLoggerDX for 3 years, and I love it. It's the main reason I use a Mac for ham radio rather than one of my PCs. It integrates seamlessly with my WSJT-x software and CAT control with my FT-5000. Recently I had a question and used the support e-mail for the first time. Don replied with a detailed answer within the hour! I then had an issue with my LoTW upload - one I hadn't had before. I e-mailed a debug log around 9 pm and while I was eating breakfast the next morning, there was the answer, again with plenty of detail. I don't think the issue was with MacLogger and this was all 3 years after I purchased the program, but Don was there with the help and info I needed. The program is a joy to use and has bells and whistles I'm still discovering. For me, having a logger that is easy to use and uploads LoTW, e-QSL and ClubLog is essential to my operating enjoyment. MacLoggerDX fills that bill for me 100%!

On June 26, 2020 Ronald McKim (N1LG) wrote:

Greatest Software For Mac users

For the longest time I have been looking for a logging software for the Mac. I finally found MacLoggerDx. This does everything that the others do but in one package. During the learning phase for this software, I ran into several problems. They weren't the fault of the program but of this old guy, me, not doing it right. I contacted customer support by email and within an hour, Don, got back to me with guidance to solve the problem. Lately, I had a problem with the keyer and he solved it with 2 updates. I'm 75 years young and Don was able to guide me through the solution. It is now running my Icom IC-7410 flawlessly. Don, I can't thank you enough for developing the software and maintaining the support. For those out there looking for a logging program for your Mac it is here. I recently had problems with radio control. I contacted Don and with-in 12 hours he had found the problem. It is so great that there is such great support for a product. Now I'm up and running smoothly. I know that Don is there if I need help in the future. Thanks Don I wish I could give you six stars.

On June 2, 2020 Philippe Vandekerckhove (ON4VP) wrote:

On MacOS the finest software for logging

In 2012 in once made the switch from Windows to MacOS and used MLDX for a period of time. I was impressed at that time with the program. For several reasons (work related) I had to switch back to Windows and started working with HRD. Good software but uses a lot of resources. In 2019 I finally decided to go back and stay on the MacOS platform, but with one goal, I had to make it work to use all my hamradio related software so no exceptions had to be mede to use Windows again for just one type of software. So I renewed my license.
With MacOS Catalina now being released I ran into problems with several software packages that I was used to but didn't support native 64-bit. So back to google for a hamradio software search.
Today I'm using MLDX for logging, qsl exchange, even occasionally contesting. Love the interface. I also run MacDopller with my IC-9700 for bird operation and use the Mac(Win)keyer and FLDigi + WSJT-X for digital operations. All programs can exchange data to and from MLDX and that's want I was looking for.
Main setup is a Kwd TS-890S, second radio IC-9700 both using MLDX. I run all software on a MacBook Pro 13" model 2019 using an external 27" 4K display.
MLDX deserves a 5 star rating. Good support from Don, even during weekends helping me out with small things. I like the multiple support to upload/download qsl data to serveral sites (some fully automated) and like the bandmap and map viewing in several modes (2D-3D).
I hope some features will be integrated in the near future (I mailed Don about it):
- CW keyer memories played directly from F-keys.
- Easy editing CW keyer memories without editing a file somewhere on disk.
I can recommend this software for a Mac user.

On January 22, 2020 Charlie Seymour (NJ3A) wrote:

MacLoggerDX, MacMini, IC-7300, ACOM 1200

I also run a mixed OS house. The Mac Mini is my main computer with backup as a MacBook Pro, with Win10 Laptops etc.. Some background, I used to live in PA for 10+ years, shack had IC-7000, Alpha 9500, US Tower TX-455 with M2 KT36XA up top. House was at 850' ASL. Computers were all Windows 7 based and using HRD (also good software)... When we moved to Delaware about 4 years ago into a small community, I didn't have a shack plan. Well, it didn't take long, but now running TOTAL STEALTH MODE (HOA). I actually purchased the MacLoggerDX program the same time I bought an IC-7300, MyAntennas EFHW-8010-2K, then S-Box, then ACOM 1200S, then ACOM 04AT Tuner. Once installed there are no logs (obviously)...but, I was in luck...I still had my Windows 7 computer with HRD installed...I opened HRD and exported an ADIF file of all my past thousands of QSOs. Once I had the file on a thumb drive, I easily imported all my past QSOs into MacLoggerDX. MLDX makes the whole process simple. Additionally, once set up, exporting/uploading to LOTW etc is a breeze. Look Up and Logging contacts during operation is simple and the DX clusters, band and maps make finding DX contact activity simple. The interface with the radio is straight forward (USB) once you've loaded the proper drivers, comms with the radio can be set (follow the directions and there's always YouTube)... Overall, I'm still learning all the possible functions, but so far...I think it's great logging software if you have a Mac OS.

On December 4, 2019 Gregor Fismer (DF2IC) wrote:

Best logger for Mac OS-X and excellent service

I have a mixed environment for Ham radio, Windows-10 because it supports my Flex1500 and Mac OS-X because I love it and all my other computers, Smartphones and tablets are also Apple. MLDX connects to the Windows-10 machine through a USB-to-serial adapter. Setup was easy and everything runs stable since quite a few years now. A few days ago after the update to the latest version of MLDX I encountered problems with my 10GHz/2.4GHz QO-100 satellite setup on the Windows computer, the frequency display in MLDX was completely off range. I wrote an email to Don Agro VE3VRW and received an answer within a few hours even though it was sunday morning. Over the course of the next day the problem was solved, Don simply created two Beta versions that specifically addressed the issues that I had. This is an example of excellent service that really stands out. I'm a very happy customer and I don't intend to change software for as long as MLDX is available.

On November 11, 2019 Keith White (MM0KTC) wrote:


Hi I used to be an avid user of another logging programme, but since updating to Mac around 4 years ago an alternative was needed. The software is excellent. Faultiest free and very easy to use. Interface is simple, and does all that is needed and more of logging software. I did initially ask if the other people intended to release an Mac OSX version, however, even if it were to be released, I would not busing it. well worth the investment.

On February 7, 2019 B Arenare (W1CQ) wrote:

Feature rich logging software and incredible support

When transitioning most of my home and office computers to Mac some years ago (and still running the occasional PC application), I was quite aware of the logging programs available for each platform. With a few uses of the trial version of MacLoggerDX and confirmation that it interfaced well with my transceivers, and some great responses to pre-sales questions from Don himself, I became another happy MLDX user!
The features, support, regular updates and improvements, and personal attention of Don are unsurpassed.
I also have the iPad version which is great for portable or mobile use.
I've made several inquiries and some suggestions about the products over the past few years - each has met with a very quick, thorough and insightful response. In fact, these have without doubt been the best supported software products I've ever used.
After using MLDX for some time, I actually made my decision to purchase a Flex 6300 radio because of the availability of the dogparkSDR software!
So add a few more stars and superlatives for the great ham radio products from Don Agro and Dog Park Software!

* * * * *
Five Stars

On September 30, 2018 John T Barr (W6JTB) wrote:


Tech support from the author is off the charts. I had a question on an early Sunday morning and had a reply before I got out of church. This feature filled program is worth every penny of the licensing fee...two thumbs up!!

On August 2, 2018 John Seney (WD1V) wrote:

Amazing Log & Support

I was one of the first users and have observed first hand that a fine program has continued to evolve and just get better and better and better. Its literally fun to use and expands every QSO experience with great insights and assistance. Enjoy!

On May 28, 2018 Larry Rougeau (N9SDC) wrote:

The Best Support !

I have been running MacLoggerDX for about a year and have to say it is a terrific program for the Mac. It does everything I need and is relatively intuitive to use. That said, I am no computer geek and there are times when I don't understand why something unexpected occurs. If I cannot find it in their instructions which, by the way are well written, I email the question to support. When I do I am always impressed at how fast a response I get and how professionally my concern is addressed. It is very rare to find a business that shows such respect for their customers. I highly recommend this product!

On March 17, 2018 Fred Lindeman (KB4EUZ) wrote:

MacLoggerDX and it's Technical support is AWESOME!

I have recently converted my station over to a MAC and IC7300. Went with MacLoggerDX and I am not disappointed. The program does everything I need for Logging contact, chasing DX/WAS, and contesting. I have to say my hat is off for the superior Tech Support you get from Don Agro VE3VRW at dogpark support. All questions and issues I have experienced have been answered very quickly and corrected my problem. The Logging program is great and the Tech Support Awesome.This package you will not be disappointed with! 73's de Fred KB4EUZ

On January 14, 2018 Stephen Lett (KB3TAW) wrote:

Excellent logging software for Mac users

Finally, superior ham software for us Mac users. I have used other software programs for years on a PC and they cannot compare with MacLoggerDX on my iMac. I am not a technical person but I had very little difficultly connecting my Kenwood TS-2000 and setting up this software. I think this software is great, very user friendly and I am a very pleased new user.

On December 27, 2017 Steve Rogers (WD4DXQ) wrote:

Best Logging Program

I have recently converted my station control and logging over to the Mac platform. I still have Windows boxes for certain tasks, but for ease of use and trouble-free operation the Mac is the way to go. I just got tired of constantly chasing bugs with Windows and HRD. I am running the latest paid version of HRD and Win 10, and it is just "flakey" and unreliable. I am an IT analyst and chase problems all day, so the last thing I want to do is come home to relax and and deal with PC issues. A PC is just a tool like any other and should just work when you need it to. Anyway,I digress...MacLoggerDX is reason enough to switch over to the Mac for your amateur radio logging. It is an elegant program that is intuitive and powerful. It also appears to be bug free and just works when you need it to. Support is also a quick email away if any questions arise. Botton line: Excellent product and support. It is not free or cheap, but in this case you get what you pay for. It also integrates well with MacDoppler, which is also the gold standard for satellite tracking programs.

On December 21, 2017 Allan Mathews (K1LTJ) wrote:

The best there is

I have been using MacloggerDX for a number of years, and I have tried almost all of the PC offerings. MLDX is in an elite class by itself. There must be something it can’t handle, but I haven’t discovered what that might be in 4 years of use. Rather than write a full and detailed review which would be way too long, I will describe one typical way I might use it.
Step 1 - Locate station to work in DX cluster window and double click on the call. That instantly sets the rig frequency and mode, the amp in turn is moved to the right band if needed, and set memorized antenna tuner settings. My Steppir DB-18e is tuned to frequency, and rotated to point at the selected station. MLDX indicates all info on worked, confirmed, needed by band/mode etc. For entertainment, during the 10 to 30 secs that may take, I can watch my beam swing around to the proper heading on the MLDX map screen.
Step 2 - Make the contact and log it. MLDX instantly gets all QRZ data, logs the qso locally in its database, and sends it to LoTW. So far that’s one double click on a call in the dx cluster window.
There is so much more to the software, and it performs flawlessly. The rig and antenna are connected with simple usb connections. Easy, fast, and feature packed, and it keeps getting better.

On December 20, 2017 Andrew Bodker (KC9NWP) wrote:

Hands down best option for Mac

Hands down best option for Mac (or any OS in my opinion). Easy to use, feature packed, and data is well laid out. -- Really well laid out.
It's so nice to have a modern interface designed with form AND function in mind. Yes, function over form, but if you can have both, why not?
SQLite database means I'm not locked into anything.
Upload to LoTW, eQSL, clublog, qrz, hrdlog is easy or automatic.
Integration with digital applications is well implemented and well documented.
Considering the number of free logging applications, the price gave me pause, but it's been worth every penny.gg

On November 8, 2017 David Wipert (AD4WX) wrote:

The best logging application on the Mac!

Reading all of the positive reviews of MacLoggerDX on eHam is what convinced me to try it out. After just a few days of trying it and other logging programs, I knew MacLoggerDX was the logging application I would be using and made the purchase.
MacLoggerDX is easy to use and has a lot of features, not just for logging. It does rig and rotor control, DX spotting, awards tracking, schedules, QSL card generator, label maker and lots more.
The support is excellent. I’ve only had a couple of minor issues with MacLoggerDX, Don VE3VRW has been very fast to respond and help me quickly resolve them.
I highly recommend MacLoggerDX, it is a fast, stable and well supported logging application.

On July 10, 2017 Andrew Georgakopoulos (SV1DKD) wrote:

Simply The Best Log Application there is - PERIOD!

I've tested about every major logging app there is (both on Windows and MacOS) and have switched to MacLoggerDX for about a year now.
Simply put MacLoggerDX is the best all round Logging Application for the serious DXer. Here are the attributes that just set it apart from the competition:
- Beautiful User Interface, with both a user-friendly modern/hi-tech design, and highly informational interface.
- Easy to Use and extremely SIMPLE to configure. No endless menus, tabs and config options, and no more endless macros/shortcuts to memorize. Unlike other popular logging apps, It's truly simple, yet very powerful and works out of the box! You'll be up & running within seconds (just like any other well-built app for the Mac).
- Beautiful 3D Visualizations (with a full resolution 3D DX Map/Globe), DX cluster spotting, Band Spotting, Award breakdown and so much more (including dx cluster spot notifications, with per band / mode & local / dx filtering, plotting on map etc)
- Full RIG, CW Keyer and Rotor control, extremely easy to integrate with your shack
- Automatic lookups from all the popular Callsign databases (QRZ.com etc)
- Automatic uploads of logged QSOs to LoTW, eQSL, QRZ.com, ClubLog and more, in REAL-TIME
- Automatic confirmations via LoTW, eQSL, QRZ.com and more
- Automatic QSL card generation, build beautiful customized QSLs with a click of a button, people will love them!
- Log integration with other apps such as FLDigi, WSJT-X, Export/Import, Backups & Recovery etc is a breeze
- Automatic DX Spot Notifications - you can track DX cluster spots and even specific callsigns/dxpeditions in real time.
- Automatic Award Progress Tracking - track progress of your DXCC/WAZ/VUCC status and more
- The best support I've ever seen. In an addition to a full comprehensive & continuously updated online manual, the good people at DogPark Software are *extremely helpful, fast and responsive* when you encounter trouble. I've had questions that I've sent during the weekend and late at night, that were answered almost immediately and comprehensively - amazing!
- New features and updates continuously released. This application just get's better and better over time, in fact I can't express my gratitude enough to Don VE3VRW from DogPark Software (the creators of MacLoggerDX), as *EVERY* feature request I have submitted has been implemented! It just doesn't get any better than that.
In short it's the best ham radio buy I've made in my 25 years as a HAM radio operator, and for the serious DXer is a small price to pay for the value that this software package offers.
Congratulations to Don VE3VRW and DogPark Software for this fantastic application!
Buy it and you won't be sorry - Highly Recommended!.

On July 9, 2017 Steven Bouck (AA4SB) wrote:

Perfect for me

This is the best Mac logging software i found. Sure it doesn't do Everything, but is much better and friendly than any others i tried, both free and paid programs. BEST part is the Ultimate in customer support as said in several other posts. I too have my own testimonial. Even though he had relentlessly posted instructions about how to interact with LoTW, I was too illiterate-computer lingo wise- to get it right. He looked at my Debug log and told me exactly what to do, all within 6 hrs on 4th of july weekend!!-Dedicated. This suits my bill for my level of contesting and would like to see something occur with Fldigi, but don't know if it is possible. These are the only things Don has received less than a 5 rating! I do know that he has recently made an excellent integration with LoTW and QRZ, which I believe was due to customer requests. Im VERY HAPPY.

On May 24, 2017 Allan Batievsky (EA3HSO) wrote:

Best Mac logging App

Well designed, stable, and with. aeasy to read/use interface and with very good integration to external loggers such as Lotw and qrzx.com (auto upload), eqsl and Clublog. Don's support is second. to none, always there to help and to receive feedback for program improvements. Worth every penny.

On March 13, 2017 Tom Stoio (N7WI) wrote:

Why did I wait so long?

On Saturday a friend showed me how easy MacLoggerDX was to use. After 30 minutes of how everything worked I was hooked! I downloaded the demo and after a day fooling around with it setting things up and uploading All of my logs I decided buy it. I'm on day two now and can't believe how easy it really is. ALL of my logs are up to date, LoTW/ClubLog/QRZ all with one touch of a button! This blows away everything else I've used and wish I knew about this years ago! I can't tell you how pleased I am and wish everything else I have worked so easy. I can't tell you to buy it but you should at least try it. BTW Don, 15 minutes of demo time isn't enough! You should at least make it for 24hrs...

On March 9, 2017 David Lawson (KE0IOU) wrote:


I have been using MacloggerDX for just a few months. I had been searching for something to use and explored all the possibilities, I was all set to buy a PC just for my radio when I said what the heck let me give Maclogger a chance. I tried the free trials for a couple of days, really liked what I saw and made the purchase. I could not be happier!. I have had a couple of hiccups along the way, ALL of my own doing. But I will tell you this Don does a fabulous job of giving help. I don't think this guy ever sleeps. I will email him with a question/problem and get an answer back in minutes!. Tonight I was having a problem my contacts not uploading to LOTW. I had been playing around with it for a while. After an email Don figured it out and a couple of simple keystrokes I was up and running. Bottom line is this a great product with the best support you could possibly imagine. The graphics are great! I am very pleased and HIGHLY recommend MacloggerDX.

On March 1, 2017 William Carnett (AH6FC) wrote:

Wish I could use it on a PC

Recently, reluctantly, I've begun using a PC logging program...since my Flexradio works a little better on my PC. Sure wish I could use Maclogger on the PC. If you use a Mac (and why wouldn't you), don't hesitate ....MacLogger DX is by far and away the best logging program out there.

On February 28, 2017 Bob Wright (K8RJW) wrote:

Support is Everything!

After 25 years with a PC I finally made the switch to a Mac about 12+ years ago. I had to change from what I had been using for a logging program. I checked out several before deciding on MacLoggerDX. I've never been sorry since! (I'm running version 6.08) I have been writing databases for 20 years plus and I know what it takes to support what you write. You can have the best program in the world and if you don't support it, it isn't worth anything. I've dealt with Don Agro from time-to-time over the years and he has been great. The other night proved his support for his program...I wrote to Don at 10:30pm EST and had an answer in 25 minutes. Now that is support!!! Thanks Don!

On February 25, 2017 Ian Evans (GI0AZB) wrote:

The King of Loggers

We are a family of iMac users as well as iPads and of course when you add in Amateur Radios you find yourself in a unique situation. This means that normal software items such as loggers for your contacts can be hard to find and use. If you are in the field of portable or SOTA this is even more unique. We discovered MacLogger DX a few years ago and have used it extensively. This software is the King of loggers as far as we are concerned. It has developed and continues to develop with requests for help and updates actioned within hours and sometimes minutes. I do not joke, try this and see. Don the developer can turn around queries and requests inside a very short period of time. Both Esther GI0AZA and I have found the ease of use, the various features of the logger a gift and the stability excellent. If you need to try it do so, it has a 15 min reset period and you will enjoy the fun of exploring. We have tried various other free loggers and although they work, they do not cover all the features of MLDX..

On September 21, 2016 James Wilson (K5ND) wrote:

Highly Responsive Support

I've been using MacLoggerDX for quite a few years. The software itself is top of the line as many here have already reported.
In addition, I've always found the support by Don Agro to be exemplary and highly responsive. Although, responsive may not be quite the right word. Here's why.
Last night I submitted an inquiry to the support group about VUCC Grid Squares, this morning around 6 AM I received a detailed response from Don. At noon, he announced a new version of the software that provided just the feature I was seeking.
So, the word for support might be "amazing" or "lightning quick" and it is certainly incredible.
If you're considering purchasing this software, I don't see how you could go wrong.

On July 12, 2016 Gordon Hamilton (VE7ON) wrote:

The very best Mac logging program

Several years ago I had finally had enough of Windows' very temperamental operating system. The obvious replacement choice was a Mac and I have never been happier since the change. The next problem was to find a logging program. I tried a few of the other one out there but found them clunky to operate. The first time I tried the demo version of MacLogger I knew it was the right one for me. I have been using MacLogger exclusively for over 5 years now and couldn't be happier. The program is constantly evolving and the support is outstanding. Suggested changes and improvements are dealt wit very quickly. No fuss at all.
A happy customer.

On July 11, 2016 Ray Zesch (KE0JMZ) wrote:

Exceptional quality and support

I am very happy with MacLoggerDX the name is somewhat missing leading in that it is much more than just logging or DX software. It does the logging and DX assist wonderfully but it also controls my Yeasu FT-450D, generates QSL cards, controls your rotor and much more. This last 4th of July I used it to help me with the 13 colonies contest and it was a huge help and made the contest more enjoyable. I also like the way the Bands window shows you where you are at all the time in the band and simply click anywhere in the band and my FT-450D is set to go at that location.
If you have a Mac and are thinking about using software to assist you this is it. Download it and try it, you get the full package to try for as long as you like as long as you restart it every 15 minutes. And the support provided by Don is incredible! Updates/improvements are continually made.

On June 13, 2016 Gerald Simonowits (KB2GCG) wrote:

Works as promised

This is a great program for the Mac user. Of course, like any other software, it can't be all things to all hams at all times. A careful read of the documentation gave me a clear idea that my needs would be met and they were. Great job and highly recommended.

On May 1, 2016 George Siede (KD0PMW) wrote:

I wont turn on the radio without it

I have been using MacloggerDX for many years and I wont run the radio without it fired up. It does so much more than just logging and could be called MacSpotter since the DXClusters displays the latest spots while the Band display shows activity by band. See a spot and click on it to tune the radio to the correct band, frequency, and mode. The color coding lets you know if you have an entity worked already by band and mode and even if you have worked a particular callsign in the past.
Track your awards progress when chasing DX, WAS, and IOTAs. You can print QSL cards or labels directly from your log, export contacts as ADIF file to upload.
Two critical features are excellent and responsive support and frequent upgrades to the software. The cost may seem high in today's world of cheap apps but you will find that you get what you pay for.

On April 28, 2016 Thomas Donohue (W1QU) wrote:

If you own a Mac, this is the logging program for you!

My XYL and I have used MacloggerDX for a number of years, her more recently than I. We both have found the program to be user friendly, very intuitive, comprehensive and very easy to install and update. The program does much more than logging and is a must for those working toward DXCC, and the like. But what makes the program really great +, is the creator and developer, Don Agro, VE3VRW, whose 24/7 tech support is second to none. This timely, comprehensive and attention to detail type support, goes far beyond what you would expect; he stays with all problems until an equitable solution is found for the user. He is also very attentive to user needs and responds in a very timely manner with frequent updates, including detailed explanations of what a particular update will do for the user. So, if your in the market for a Mac friendly logging program,, we strongly recommend MacloggerDX without reservation.
Best 73, Bobbie & Tom Donohue W1JX/W1QU.

On April 28, 2016 Randy Cook (K6CRC) wrote:

Still on top

I have been a MLDX user for about 7 years now. Through a couple of Macs and 4 different rigs. I am a casual ham, and have tried several competing packages. None come close to this. I know good software, good UI design and good support. Don provides all that with MLDX. Given the continual improvements and the great support, the price is dirt cheap. At least try it out before you commit your money or more importantly, your time to any other ham software.

On April 28, 2016 Jesus Rodriguez (EA3CLB) wrote:

Happy user

This is the best logger and radio controller software i have used both in windows and mac. I'm a more than happy user since 2012. Also, the support from Don is amazing. He is always there to help and add new features almost in real time.

On April 1, 2016 Scott Douglas (W7XC) wrote:

The best OS X product, best customer service, best support

I have owned every version of MacLogger since 2009. I have found the product to be the best available for Mac (and better than any Windows product I have ever used), the customer service beyond outstanding, the product constantly receiving updates and tweaks, and the publisher is generous with product updates. The product performs properly or the publisher works diligently to correct any problems in an extremely prompt manner. He has often given guidance on topics relating products that utilize the software in a manner you are not likely to receive from any other publisher of software. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd rate this product and the publisher at a 20...!

On March 15, 2016 Lawrence Sweet (WA5TVO) wrote:

Exceptional logging program

I returned to ham radio after a long period in which I was QRT. I soon found that the old paper logging routine was inadequate for my needs. I trialed a number of Mac OS X logging programs at that time, but none seemed to have the versatility of MacLoggerDX. I remain a very satisfied customer after several years of using this application, which over time, has only improved due to the ongoing work of VE3VRW (Don Agro). One element of this program that you will find is worth every dollar paid is the excellent customer service that is no further than your email inbox. Over the years, Don has answered every inquiry (or problem) I have had with his program expeditiously and completely. If you are looking for an excellent Mac OS X logging program that can meet the needs of the most demanding user, you need look no further. Your money will be well spent!

On March 14, 2016 Derek Caiden (MM0WST) wrote:

Best of Class!

MacLoggerDX is the only ham radio software I use now (and I've tried them all). After replacing Windows with Mac OS I was really stuck until I heard about this. Watching live DX across a map you can see where the good propagation is. The app is superbly designed by a DXer! I was amazed at how easy it was to set up with my KX3 and rig control is excellent. I have it configured with my QRZ account which feeds in call data in real time. It is amazing watching the QSL card graphics running in real time from the cluster feed. I also have the iPad version which is a must - this allows me to monitor the cluster on my TV (a quick flick of a button and you can monitor traffic). I had a registration problem with my licence key at the start and Don replied to my email within 5 minutes. Impressive! Buy with confidence.

On February 27, 2016 Robert Carollo (NY1H) wrote:

Best Tech Support

I have tried other programs for my Mac and was not happy. Downloaded MacLogger and was easy to set up. Works with my Contest rig perfectly. Last night I wanted to dabble in the CQ 160 meter contest and had a problem, I could not find my registration number. I sent out a request for the number at 8:30pm on Friday night figuring I might get a reply on Monday, But to my surprise I was sent my number at 9:00pm. I was back in the game. That my friends is Great customer support. 73" Bob NY1H

On October 8, 2015 James K. Hooper (K9QJS) wrote:

World class support

I have owned and used Don's MacLoggerDX for over 4 years now. I monitor the MacLoggerDX Yahoo group, which I recommend. Don is always on top of questions and provides prompt feedback and assistance; I am always impressed. If only I could get this kind of support on the other software that I use. I have tried other Mac-based logging software programs, and I keep using Don's software. For me, it is the easiest to use of the general logging programs out there and has a great user interface.

On October 6, 2015 (KB3UWO) wrote:

Excellent application

I took the plunge and bought MacLoggerDX. No issues with set up, great interface and tons of information at your finger tips.I really appreciate it running native to the Mac environment and the interface reflects this as well. It will take a bit of time to appreciate all of the features it has but simply "clicking" around gets it done. Logging a QSO is VERY simple and easy. A fist rate program highly recommended. I'm hooked.

On October 4, 2015 Check Lechner (WB2LMA) wrote:

5 Star App & Support

I have been using MacLoggerDX as well as the iPad version. I can not say that I have EVER had and issue with the software, However, when I had questions, I posted on the Group site and have always gotten an answer or solution.
I do follow the group and as a former internal corporate developer in moth the Microsoft and Unix platforms, I am totally amazed the level of support the developer provides to customers.
As far as the features of MacLoggerDX and HD, it has been a remarkable software product. I have been a HAM since 1973 and have used more logging applications than I can remember. From my perspective, this application outshines the Best of the Best.
Thank you Don, for a really superior application and more importantly, the amazing support you provide to each and every customer.
FIVE STAR Rating from me. WB2LMA, Plano, Texas.

On May 5, 2015 Robert Novak (K0OK) wrote:

Awesome Program

I finally made the jump to an IMac after 20+ years of using Windows PCs. I used ACLog on my PC and loved the program. I was actually considering running Parallels so I could continue to use ACLog as my logger.
I decided to give the MacLoggerDX demo a try and I was hooked. I purchased the program a day later and haven't looked back. Great software with outstanding support.

On Feb 11, 2015 Mike Surplice (M0AZE) wrote:

Worth buying a Mac for

I've been putting the 'shack' together for my dad to help him back into the hobby. I'm not a radio ham but grew up around these things.
I have to say how impressed I am with this software and does everything my dad needs. It has opened up a new world for him, monitoring DX clusters, having the screen refresh with relevant information that can be read. He's made more use of his radio in the past couple of weeks than all of last year.
It's worth buying a Mac just to have this program - which even I find fascinating and educational.
Easy to install, I had to work at setting it up on my fathers behalf - but it was a great opportunity to work together. For a ham setting up should not be an issue. I've worked out and designed a new QSL card and he's emailing them all over the world. Great user experience - well done.
Regards Paull on behalf of my dad.

On Dec 18, 2014 Mike Papas (W9CN) wrote:

Great program

II have been running MacLoggerDX since 2006. Its a full featured logging program that Don has been diligently updating and keeping current. Its easy to use and it helps me make more QSO faster during contests. The "Band" display makes it easy to find rare "spots" and the interface to my Yaesu FT DX 5000 is seamless. The logging database is robust and fast to sort and search. As other have noted Don is responsive to emails and always helpful. Best money I have spent in Ham radio. Best regards and '73 Mike W9CN.

On Sep 28, 2014 John Seney (WD1V) wrote:

The Best!

Imagine getting a product that is the result of > 10 years of passionate efforts to improve by listening and intelligently implementing what ham radio customers want. That is MLDX today - tested and proven again and again and again. I reviewed this program 10 years ago and gave it a 5/5 then. Don Argo has continuously enhanced and improved MLDX to keep it at the summit of Mac (and now iPad) logging programs. Thank you Don, VE3VRW! If Steve Jobs were alive and a ham, this is what he'd use for logging. He'd say it met his "insanely great" criteria. 73 John - WD1V.

On April 13, 2014 Dave Rogers (NR5K) wrote:

Outstanding Value

I have been using MacLoggerDX (MLDX) for about two years. Before that I was completely disappointed with the quality and support of all the logging programs I had used which includes all of the best known Windows and Linux programs. I am primarily a UNIX guy and a retired software engineer. So once I tried MLDX on an old iMac I was totally hooked. The software ran just fine on that eight year old iMac and still does. However, with the switch to 64-bits I now use a newer MacPro. As everyone has mentioned, the service and support is second to none. And I mean second to none in the entire software industry. I use MLDX every day and never have any issues with it failing to start up correctly, hanging up or any other problems. It is Rock Solid. Don is continuously updating the software to support new radios, changes in operating modes and external interfaces when they change. For example, recently Google changed the API for Google Maps. Two days later we had an updated version of MLDX that supported the new API requirements. And reference files (DXCC country list, etc) are updated as soon as there is a change. Serious contesters will need to use something else but it is trivial to import a contest log (in ADIF) so that all logging can be kept in one place for awards tracking, etc. Casual contesters like me can just continue to use MLDX in "Contest mode". One of the main things I like about MLDX is the ability to completely customize the various dialogs for DX Clusters, Logging, Band Plans and others. Virtually everything is tailorable to one's individual tastes or requirements. On a scale of 1-10 I give MLDX an 11. It is clearly the best day-to-day logging program I have ever used.

On Feb 27, 2014 George Molnar (KF2T) wrote:

Great support !

Finally went all the way and swapped out my last Windows PC (the shack computer) for a Mac. Evaluated all of the available Mac OS loggers out there, and within half an hour of trying MacLoggerDX, I was hooked. It's a well-written, nicely laid out application that runs all the time in my shack. Don responds personally and quickly to requests. His very professional and effective response to a bug I found in the most recent update so impressed me I have to say - GO BUY THIS PROGRAM. As some have mentioned, there are a few minor bits that could stand tweaking. LoTW upload and download, like interfacing with other applications, relies on an external script, for example - not a big deal, but would be nice to have automated. Would like to have more filtering for DX Cluster alarms (for example, alert on any 6 meter spots, but needed DXCC only for HF). Individual tracking of paper vs LoTW QSLs would be nice. But if that's all I can come up with, then it's a good deal all around. Don is involved and engaged in this product. It is great to see a quality application coming from a real-life user and operator. Did I mention you should get this program?

On Nov 24, 2013 Boisy G Pitre (KF5HEL) wrote:

Great product for Mac Hams

I've been using MacLoggerDX for just over a month and have to say, it has really enhanced my ham radio hobby. It interfaces cleanly with my Kenwood TS-590S, and I'm constantly finding new features that I really like (DX Clusters are awesome). This is also a Mac app that *feels* like a Mac app. The author, Don, has gone to lengths to abide by the Mac User Interface Guidelines, and it shows. Also, Don has been very quick to provide the few questions I had and even went as far as to implement an idea I had. In short, you get great software that adheres to the Mac philosophy, and a developer who is responsive and eager to make his product better. What more could you ask for?

On Sep 29, 2013 Frank Bowser (NC1T) wrote:

Sorry I waited so long

I agree with the previous reviewer "The Best". Read the reviews and played with the Demo late Friday nite. Thought I would test Don and his sleep pattern. Had a small issue with the driver to the radio. E-mailed Don and yep he was back to me in minutes. Purchased the program and while it's not life changing hi, hi its close. What a tool and the ability to control the radio and link to QRZ is amazing. If your a Mac man get it and you won't be sorry.

On May 10, 2013 Charles Cook (K6CRC) wrote:

The best!

Thought is was time to update my review, as MLDX has changed significantly. Latest version of MLDX has added neat new features, and tracks Mac OSX updates well. The author, Don, is ALWAYS ready to help with issues or questions. Support is nothing short of fantastic. No matter how much you have spent on your rig, antenna, etc. nothing makes the hobby more fun than a good logging and monitoring program. I have been in all areas of tech for many years. MDLX is one of the best designed and certainly the best supported product I have ever used. A bargain at twice the price.

On May 5, 2013 R Scott Wright (K0MD) wrote:

Amazing - Robust- Full of Features

I switched to this software several years ago. I wrote an initial review and you can find it. This review is an update after several years of use:
1. It remains the BEST logging software program that I have used among all PC or Mac based. It is robust, facile and intuitive to figure out.
2. The program has some features that I am just now discovering: After contesting with N1MM, I load the contest log into this program. I can highlight the entries, click update selected log entries, and missing information like name, and the band I worked them on is filled in. It does not alter anything I imported like call, frequency of QSO or time but N1MM is a contest program and does not capture anything more than you enter. This program updates it for filling out QSL labels, etc. The program will mark as QSL sent once you take a file and create labels for QSL cards or create a file as ADIF for uploading to LOTW. Very neat!
3. The program also tracks your DXCC and state totals, helpful if you are chasing awards.
4. The customer service from Don Agro is great - he replies to email queries in a short time, shows you the steps you need to take to correct any problem and can tell you if the software has a feature you may not be finding. This program is worth the money spent and I continue to be delighted I am using it after several years. It was worth switching from PC to MAC in my shack to get access to this program.

On May 3, 2013 Michael Orndorff (KF4YMJ) wrote:

AWESOME Logging Software

The product alone is absolutely outstanding and there is nothing on the market like it. It is well worth the price. I had trouble getting my rig to communicate with the software and with one email to Don he had me online and working in less than one hour. He is better than most support groups that you pay subscriptions for. All this included in the price.Don't waste anytime researching logging software jump online and buy this software because you will NOT be disappointed. You will make contacts faster than before and really enjoy the program unlike others.

Totally Satisfied!!!
Thanks Don... 73

On April 24, 2013 Giorgio Olei (IK1BXN) wrote:


I can say I'm 100% satisfied with MLDX and this covers also for price aspect, as already told it worths what I paid for it.
Before starting with MLDX I tried other solutions (not only for Mac) but there is nothing to do : MLDX IMHO is the best because :
- it has enthusiastic interface (and not only speaking of graphic aspect)
- every operation need is under your finger at a glance
- DB performance is really high
- integration with cocoamodem is solid like a stone
- cluster is great
- reference files (like countries) are continuously kept updated
….and more
Of course it's not free but this mean for me we can bet on support for future without be obliged one day to move to another logger because the developer changed hobby or sold the rights to somebody else …. MLDX support is more that we can expect (I wonder does Don sleep sometimes?) it's shape clear and answer comes back extremely fast, this IMHO looks like Elecraft (the rigs I love) support….in a word you'll never be alone and this is very important for me and it worths (one more time) what I paid one time at the beginning.
We have a proverb in Italy that tells "having wife drunk and at the same time the barrel full of wine….it's impossible!" so what it worths has a cost

On April 23, 2013 George Siede (KD0PMW) wrote:

Great logging and spotting software

I was a bit reluctant to spend the money for MacLogger in the beginning but it is worth every penny. In this case you not only get your money's worth, you get a whole lot more. I wish every software provider was as responsive to questions and requests.
It is great for logging but also wonderful for spotting DX on the cluster and tuning the radio right to where they are. I have it set up to go right to QRZ to look up info on a call and it fills in all the fields so I am ready to enter signal reports exchanged and put it in the log as soon as I make the QSO.
Now that I have MacLogger on my station computer the radio is the second thing I turn on when I walk into the shack.

On April 23, 2013 Peter van den Bos (PE1KEV) wrote:

A great loggin app for the MAC with top service!

At first I hesitated to buy the software. It looked great and the testdrive was great too. It has all features which make MacLoggerDX a right logging tool for me. I was really surprised to see the support from the developer and last weekend he even patched the software into a new beta version to help me out. One thing I didn;t understand was the response time. Since Don is in Canada and I live in europe there must be a time difference, right? Well I got response within an hour in the morning, in the weekend!
The hesitation I had at first because of the price has gone because of the support you get.

On March 22, 2013 John Manouselis (KC2ZWK) wrote:

Simply The Best Logging Program

I have been using MacLoggerDX for about 4 years paired with my Kenwood 950SD as well as my Kenwood TS-480 with no problems using the Microham interface. Well about two weeks ago I purchased the new Kenwood 990 and was worried that I would have to wait for Don to write the code to update MacLogger for the new rig. Well I went to his site and downloaded the latest version and I could not believe it but the 990 was already listed as a supported radio. The radio wasn't out two days and he already had it listed. I tried to hook up the radio (which has built in USB so no need for an external interface) but couldn't get it recognized in MacLogger. It was a Saturday and I was dreading not having MacLogger for the weekend so I emailed Don (the genius behind MacLogger) thinking I would get a response on Monday, well I received a response within 10 minutes instructing me to download a driver as well as sending me a screenshot of where the settings should be to get it working. WOW!! Thats service! Can't thank you enough Don, U the man! Anyway, the software is simply amazing and can't imagine working a radio without it. The interface is elegant and there are more features than you can imagine. I love the fact that he has hundreds of preset memories for shortwave stations as well as military and aircraft etc. I use it in conjunction with CocoaModem as well as FLDigi and love it. I have always had a Mac and I'm glad I have MacLogger.

On February 1, 2013 Walid Karami (OD5ZZ) wrote:

A great software

I decided to come back to the hobby after being inactive for almost 16 years I started looking for a logging program , I found plenty and decided to test a few before going on the air , I could not find any better then MacLoggerDX , simple to work yet it has everything a serious DX'er wants , the most important is the backup and help extended by Don Agro he is always ready to answer any question within minutes and he keeps on updating the software , it is the best logging software I have tested and I do highly recommend this software, it is worth every penny. 73 de Walid-OD5ZZ

On January 2, 2013 Ron Luttringer (K6XC) wrote:

This is the premier logging program for Mac!

I have been using it for quite some time and it just works.
After using it for several years, I noticed a minor problem.
I sent an e-mail to Don Agro, the genius who is the guru that writes this fine program.
In about 3 minutes he sent me an e-mail advising it was fixed in a beta release.
I downloaded the new release and, viola, the problem was solved!
You can't get better service than that!
So... The program works great and service is great.
My suggestion: Try it, you will like it. You will not be disappointed.
73, Ron, K6XC

On October 19, 2012 Robert Allbright (G3RCE) wrote:


I had a problem when connecting up my K3 for the first time today, A quick email to Don and within 10 mins I had a fix from him, quite amazing. I should have checked the FAQs first of all. Superb programme, thoroughly recommended for Macs. 73 Rob G3RCE

On July 10, 2012 Keith Bainbridge (VK6RK) wrote:

Superb product

I had lots of issues getting it running at first, Don was extremely helpful even though I was my own worst enemy! He responds so quickly to questions, I was amazed to get service like that these days. I still have a problem with rig control but that has proved to be the failure of the Uart on the RS232 port on my FTdx9000D, not the software. If I can ever justify sending 40 kgs of radio half way around the world to get it fixed I will be able to enjoy the full benefits of the program on my Yaesu. It works perfectly with my IC9100. thanks for your patience with me Don !

On July 10, 2012 Chip Griffen (N1MIE) wrote:

Frequently Updated

The author continually updates this package for new hardware, additional features, and more. I use it exclusively on my base station.

On July 9, 2012 Art Peters (K0ACP) wrote:

If you run MacOS, then it has to be MacLoggerDX

I have tried a number of different logging programs, and if you are going to run MacOS, then MacLoggerDX is the ONLY choice. The software is first rate, and support by Don is 2nd to none. I have been using the software since 2008 and can honestly say that for all around logging, it is top notch. Questions posted to the support forum (Yahoo) gets an answer within minutes if not hours. I can honestly say that this has been one of the best value investments that I have made from either software or ham purchases. As an EE with 30+ years in hardware and software product development, I can appreciate the work that Don has put into this product. If you find a better value, go for it, my guess and vote is that you will end up making the same call I did, MacLoggerDX. 73, Art K0ACP

On July 9, 2012 Steve Robinson (WU9B) wrote:

Best Logging Experience for OS X

I was first licensed in 1968. I bought my first Macintosh in 1984. I rolled my own logging programs back in the day using the Filemaker data base app. I had looked at other logging solutions all along as I never had the time to create anything elegant. Like many hams, I am frugal (cheap). But I am always willing to invest in products that are well done like Apple Computers, the Elecraft K Line and Dog Park Software. In 2006 I bought my first copy of MacLoggerDX. The author continuously updates the software while providing superior technical support and expertise via timely emails and the MacLoggerDX Yahoo Groups Forums. I know the software will work with future versions of Mac OS X including the soon to be released Mountain Lion and beyond. The documentation is concise, the feature set is rich, the graphics are jaw dropping and the speed is sensational. I have tried the rest but I continue to use the best.

On July 9, 2012 Travis Brown (K2NP) wrote:

This is the reason I use my Mac for ham radio

When I started back into Ham Radio in 2010, I was using HamRadio Deluxe for Windows. It was good, and I loved the integration with DM-780 for PSK-31 work. I really like my Mac though and downloaded a copy of MacLoggerDX. I can't say it was love at first download. I had some problems with the CAT interface on my IC-7000 that caused MacLoggerDX to report 'Radio Disconnected'. When I asked the author about my issue, he was polite and very helpful and got me squared away in no time. It turns out this was well documented on the site, and I had just missed it. The integration with the radio is very good and the spotting features work as well as I could hope. The user interface is well thought out and intuitive to even the novice user. I have not done a lot of contests with this application, but the few that I have done were supported out of the box by MLDX. My biggest complaint with the Mac and Ham Radio is the lack of digital mode software that is on par with the quality of MLDX. I certainly can't fault MLDX for that though. Despite the shortcomings of the other Mac Ham applications, I keep coming back to MLDX because it is such a well written and supported application.

On July 9, 2012 Jim Bates (KJ4WLH) wrote:

Great - It works the way you would "expect" it should

I wrote a brief post on my blog -> http://kj4wlh.blogspot.com/ MacLoggerDX & CocoaModem - IC-9100 & MacBook Air => A GREAT Combination! Mac Logger DX does what you think it does - it does logging. You know what else it does? It interfaces DIRECTLY to my IC-9100 through the USB cable using the native "serial" interface provided by the transceiver :) That makes me VERY happy! Oh, it also has the 9100 CAT command set built in, which means it knows how to address and read the data from the transceiver without ANY effort on my part. Lazy, Impatience, and Hubris - 3 of my favorite traits... Since most of the "other" logging programs tend to lag behind transceiver releases, that meant the author of MacLoggerDX was actually keeping the program UP to DATE!!! Whoa! You mean that I don't have to change my IC-9100's CI-V ID to look like a 7600 for it to work? That's when I realized that the program is actually under constant development, not vaporware development but REAL updates. I can't think of too many applications in the Amateur Radio space where that is common. cocoaModem does the "other" thing that I use a computer to do with a transceiver - PSK31 :) Oh, and guess what - IT ALSO found the IC-9100 sound card and uses the MacLoggerDX for keying (PTT)! That's right, between both of those programs, I don't need a single 3rd party piece of hardware or software - they just work together... As a reference point, I've used HRD Logbook for a couple of years and it's definitely a good program too. I'd rank it a 4 compared to this, simply due to the years of no-development/support (like the IC-9100 issue) - I know that's changed, but that's where I am today. So, if you've got a Mac and you're looking for a native logging application that integrates well, is intuitive, well maintained, well supported, and handles legacy (meaning old!) and new transceivers - this app is for you. My negative comment is mixed. Unfortunately, the author has provided the ability to integrate Applescript scripts with the product. The upside is that I can do pretty much anything that I can think of programmatically. The downside is that "I" can do pretty much anything that I can think of programmatically. :) When an app "gives" you the ability to code your own logic, the burden of making something happen doesn't just fall on the author anymore! Like I said, it's a mixed comment - I'd sure like to have every feature/whim added by e-mail request; but I know that's not exactly reasonable! 73 de KJ4WLH Oh, final comment - spent the $$ and just enjoy an app that works the way it should - I mean, you do OWN a Mac, right?

On July 9, 2012 Len Revelle (N9IJ) wrote:

Best of OSX logger offerings.

After many years using Windows loggers I left the MS lemmings and went Mac. I have tried most of the Mac offerings for ham radio and bought a few. MacLoggerDX, while not the "do everything" logger is , by far, the best with all the needed features I can ask for while maintaining my 21,000+ QSO log. I find it surpasses all of the Windows offerings for stability and the GUI more than meets my needs. MacLoggerDX's author provides excellent support and is active in the apps support groups. He considers the impact a new feature will have on overall function and support of his apps before throwing it out to users. Both MacLoggerDX and MacDoppler are reliable, clean, and flow well. I highly recommend MacLoggerDX as a quality product, well worth the cost.

On July 9, 2012 Bob Hinckle (KK8ZZ) wrote:

Amazing, friendly program!

Over the past few years, I've probably spent several hundred dollars on various logging and spotting programs in the Windows environment, each claiming to solve all hams' software problems, but let's face it, they all look like 20-year old DOS displays, are tedious to set up, and in the end, just aren't fun to use (ham radio is supposed to be fun, remember?) Now there's MacLoggerDX... I downloaded a trial copy on the iMac and was absolutely amazed by the incredible depth of graphics and ease of use that MacLoggerDX offers. Whoever coded this beast certainly made FULL use of the OSX environment, and after a little browsing through the manual (you DO have to learn to use all the depth of features, after all) I'm completely satisfied with the $95 investment made on this great logger and QSO/DX tool. Take a look at the 3-D maps, and you'll fall in love. Connect to a local DX cluster node and watch the stations roll in.... click on the one you like, and the program automatically switches the radio to that station's reported frequency. The beam heading and distance to the station is shown, as well as any available operator information and even the full color flag of the station's nation. The more you play, the more you uncover. In a world of clumky Windows logger wanna-bes, MacLoggerDX on OSX macs (or cheap Mac Minis) makes band openings and DX contacts fun. Finally..... de KK8ZZ (oh yeah... free updates too....)

On June 7, 2012 Randy Cook (K6CRC) wrote:

The best ham program I have ever used

Going on four years now with MLDX. I bought it soon after getting my ticket and my first rig, a used 706. Through a couple of rigs to my current K3, there have been no problems adapting to MLDX. Don provides excellent support and keeps updating the product as Apple evolves and as new features are requested. The cost of the program is small compared to the value and fun it adds to the hobby. I run a Macbook Air with Parallels, and have tried most of the Windows and Mac loggers. So far, nothing is close to MLDX. If ARRL ever wants to leave the Dark Ages with their LoTW software, they would be advised to buy a Mac and check out MLDX!

On June 7, 2012 Daniel Codianni (KD2ALV) wrote:

One of the reasons I am in Ham Radio

I received all three licenses in July, 2011 and then bought my gear that included an ICOM 7000, Rigblaster Advantage and yes Mac Logger DX. Since then, I have sent him many emails and he answered each one honestly, patiently and concisely. One immediately sees firsthand his dedication and love not only for MacLoggerDX but to the greater Ham community. MacloggerDX This program is essential for my sheer enjoyment as a Ham. A couple of weeks ago I wrote to Don about a radio that I am thinking about buying and asked him if MacloggerDX would work on it. Why would I ask him such a question? Because if the radio did not work with McLoggerDX I would simply not buy it. This package, MacloggerDX and Don Agro is a great value that will never be beat by any other logging company. An that my friend is a guarantee! Great Job Don and keep it up! Daniel Codianni KD2ALV & HK3DC

On June 4, 2012 James Ward (W6AAJ) wrote:

I've used this product for several months and it's as good as everyone says. When you buy software you want to be sure that it's supported software, that the feature set is growing and that tech support is there for those few times when you need questions answered. The answer to all of those questions is YES.

On June 4, 2012 Rich Seifert (KE1B) wrote:

Hands down, the Premier Logger for the Mac!

I have been using this program for years, and it just keeps getting better. Virtually every feature you would ever want or need for everyday logging: supports every popular radio, telnet, QRZ integration, awards tracking, and much, much more! Support is incredible, with the developer sometimes providing fixes within MINUTES of reporting a problem. If you are a Ham, and you have a Mac, you want MacLoggerDX. If you are a Ham, and you don't have a Mac, you want a Mac and MacLoggerDX.

On June 1, 2012 Fernando Arroyo (Z21BB) wrote:

Second to none

I moved on to Mac a couple of years ago, and was hesitating for a while about changing my logging software as I had been using the same excellent Windows-based one for so many years and was very familiar with it. So I was still using that one for a while, running Windows in parallel with my Mac. The discontinuation of support and updates to my old logging program finally prompted me to take the step and look for a good Mac-based option. MLDX is not just good; it is actually very, very good. It is a joy to use, very simple and intuitive, and yet very powerful and sophisticated "under the hood". It interacts VERY smoothly with about anything else written for ham radio under the Mac platform. But the best thing about this program by far is Don, the engineer behind it. Updates are frequent, suggestions by users are heard and considered and, in brief, support for the program is just second to none. It is work in progress. It has only become better and better over the years. Worth every cent it costs. 73 Fernando Z21BB, EA4BB (ex ST2BF, D2BB, TU5JL, 9Q5BB)

On May 31, 2012 Ian  Leather (M1ICL) wrote:

Outstanding software and service

Putting Ham Radio aside for a moment, this is one of the best pieces of Mac Software I have come across with a level of service provided by Don that I have yet to beat. I can only echo what others have said here. Far more than just logging software and puts some other commercial software to shame. All I can say is that if you are Ham with a Mac then this software should be on your machine. Keep up the good work Don. Regards Ian M1iCL

On May 31, 2012 Ron Rosson (KF5JRA) wrote:

Best all around program and support.

Being a fairly new ham (licensed in 2011) and a mac user for both work and personal use my goal was to find a native program to run on my mac's. Well the after trying the free ones and the other shareware programs I kept finding issues. It was either they were not written directly for the mac with not so friendly mac interface or they did not do provide what I was expecting of them. One of the reasons for choosing MLDX was that it has a smooth workflow that can be tuned to almost any operators style on how he likes to work his station. This coupled with the practically instantaneous response on support questions made the choice that much easier to make for the purchase. My MLDX interfaces with both my old Icom IC-735 and Yaesu 857D and shows all the information available for what the radio allows to be queried for. This coupled with cocoamodem and my SignaLink USB have logged all of my contacts both digital and phone. Don, keep up the good work and always look forward to your new features.

On May 31, 2012 George Sereikas (K2WO) wrote:


I have been using MacLoggerDX since it was released. It is the finest logging program that I have ever experienced. I have used many of the Windows loggers over the years and all of those designed for the Mac. Many are quite good, but in my humble opinion, none come close to MacLoggerDX. The best part is that the program just keeps getting better. The person behind this software is Don Agro and he is simply amazing. His support of this program is the best that I have experienced with ANY software. On the surface, the price for the software ($95) seems high, but trust me, in the long run it is cheap. If you own a Mac, this is the ONLY software to use.

On May 31, 2012 Lawrence West (N2LJ) wrote:

Keeps on ticking!

I posted a review previously, and I just have to say that Don Agro has continued to maintain this excellent Mac App right up through Mac OS X Lion. I've owned it for nearly 8 years now, and the regular updates are welcome. It gets along great with just about any rig you can think of. My 718, my 7000 and my current 746 Pro all provide log data to MacLoggerDX through the CI-V interface (provided here by a MicroHam USB II). I've only used it with Icom, but it supports Ten-Tec, Elecraft, Yaesu, Kenwood, and anything that uses their protocols. A recent addition was MacLoggerDX HD for the iPad. You can carry your log with you, monitor the DX spots, and even do some rig control wirelessly! If you have a Mac, and you're into Ham radio, you NEED this!

On May 31, 2012 Bruce Jarrell (KI4TJY) wrote:


SUPPLEMENTAL REVIEW: I have used a number of different ham radio programs for the Mac, Linux, and the Windows environments. None comes close to MacLoggerDX for its simplicity, elegance, and capabiities. If one looks at the total number of reviews here the majority are 5/5 with a few disgruntled low reviews because the reviewer has some pet need that it does not do this or that. Hardly reason enough to rate this excellent programming effort so low. Every piece of software ever written can be improved, but is it the RIGHT improvement for the majority of users. I wrote code for over 40 years and understand the total effort and dedication it takes to design, develop, code, debug, and most importantly SUPPORT software that handles so many functions, radios, and interfaces. Don is a master of each. MacLoggerDX is well worth the $95, and I highly reccomend it to any Mac user Ham, all in all, it is a enormous value for what you receive in return. A well written virtually bug free software program that has excellent developer support. Even if a bug is found DON works with the users and squashes it. KUDO's Don.

On May 31, 2012 David Ferrington (M0XDF) wrote:


I stand by my 1st, 2nd & 3rd reviews (search for M0XDF, 2E0XDF & M3XDF).
MLDX is still one of the best pieces of s/w I have used on a Mac (since 1985!) and a great logging program. The support is unbelievable and the cost minor compared to the service (free upgrades approx 1/month for years).
Features, bug fixes and support for new rigs are produced very quickly (within 1 day for the K3) and the service is personal.
This was my last review:
I posted the below in May 2005 when I was 2E0XDF, I still stand by every word today
I've been in IT for 36 years and this has got to be the best supported program I've ever seen and that goes for all DogPark software . Don's support/service/responce etc is second to none.
I've been using Macs since 1985 and this is one of the best programs I've seen on a Mac (in fact, on any of I don't know how many platforms).
I'm a relativily new ham (Sep'03) and this program has helped me get started and contiunes to do more than I can currently foresee me needing. That's not to say its over complicated, its extremely easy to use, yet very comprehensive.
* 3D Maps have got to be seen to be believed! *
Questions to Don always result in a clear answer and if I don't understand, further questions get the same fast, clear responce.
Suggestions for features etc get added within days (sometimes within hours, one today within minutes!), but if you're the kind of person who likes to wait a little before upgrading, thats not a problem. There has never been a "must upgrade" comment. And MaxLoggerDX is writen to accommadate this.
*** I can't praise MLDX enough. ***
Well done Don and thanks for such a great program with fantastic support.

On May 31, 2012 David Elliott (W6BK) wrote:

superior software for an avid DXer

MacLoggerDX continues to be an outstanding software aid for Apple users who are also avid DX enthusiasts. There are really no competing products for this group. Using MacLoggerDX, I have within the past few months achieved DXCC Honor Roll, DXCC Challenge, and 5 Band DXCC. MacLoggerDX organizes the information from the cluster and presents the results in an easy to use fashion that makes award chasing easier. It provides easy, fast, and automatic control of the radio, the SteppIR antenna and the rotor. Don Agro provides absolutely excellent customer service. Problems and issues are resolved within hours usually and sometimes within minutes. Updates (new betas) are posted frequently. I would highly recommend MacLoggerDX to anyone with an Apple computer and an interest in DX. It is worth the price several times over

On May 31, 2012 Paul Sauk (K3SF) wrote:

GREAT Mac Based Logger

***** five stars cause it is great ***** Three things to consider when making a software purchase
1.) Is this an ever evolving product? -- YES,
2.) Will the support I need be there when I need it?-- YES
3.) Will the product provide the functionality I need? -- YES
why i answered YES to all the above....
I have had MacDXLogger (MLDX) since version 3.x and now run the current 5.39. and have paid for v3 and small update price to v4 and v5 update. Think how much you paid for OS update and upgrade, or some other s/w you use daily.
When Apple goes to Mountain Lion OSX, i have confidence that Don will be there with a version that just works works. yep this is a living products that has grown over the years and has met my needs for Mac based Logger. (As a side note i got better support from Don on osx 10.7 update than i did from Intuit for Quicken)
Don has kept past version available for those who computer upgrade cycle is every 10 years (power pc vs intel cpu)..but has kept the product current with every evolution of the Mac OS. My personnel approach is to update computer h/w every three years and to keep s/w as current as possible from a security perspective and from a needed( ok wanted) features...
I do have technolust ;-) comes from being a ham
Don has taken user input for suggestions for improvements, new features, and even possible detected bugs directly (direct email to him and not thru user group)and responds quickly for a resolution.
Some suggestion are incorporated in to the s/w almost the same day. I have made a few suggestions over the years that have been incorporated within an hour of my email. Other suggestions that have not but Don clearly explains the reasons.
There is also great support from the yahoo user group from actual users and which don monitors and responds.
Overall great product support.
On the issue of functionality. This is first a logger program with a rig interface, with internet interface for dxcluster operation, with interface for call lookup that are both free internet service and paid services (ie qrz.com).
There are other interface i havent even tried.
To me, the main purpose of the software is to make everyday hamming easier. It can work in a contest by selecting various contest features. These features work but as people have noted there are contest only s/w that works better. So if you are a contester only this may not be the s/w you are looking for. That said, i have used it in various dx contests with ease and success. The popup contest helper does help and checks for dupes as you type the call and calcs your qso rate.
The alarm feature has significantly allowed me to maximize my available hamming time to chase dx. Been trying to get to 300 confirmed on LOTW alone. Right now stand at 242 lotw confirmed. The alarm function allows me to set parameters for ones i need confirmed and who qsl via lotw.
The spot panel columns as well as the other panel columns are user configured. Put them in the order you want and you can select the sort order on the columns you want. Yep..all my lotw alarm pop to the top of the spot panel. click on call column and get calls in sorted order. click on band column and get everything sorted by band. there are a lot of user configurable features that they are too many to list.
I am able to easily import and export adif files and have used adif files from arrl lotw site to update the log for lotw qsl confirmation. I have imported adifs from rumlog too.
Overall a great Mac Based Logger program for everyday hamming. Not a dedicated rig control program but has good rig freq/mode interface that works seamlessly. Not a dedicated contest program but has a sufficient set of contest modes and helpers that make the transition from everyday use to contest use easy for the casual contester.
yep... in my opinion, this a great mac based logger that is worth the price
Paul K3SF

On May 31, 2012 John Zornig (N1ZJ) wrote:

Best in class

MacLoggerDX has been around for some time and has evolved into an ultra reliable, mature, comprehensive logging program. It covers nearly every rig made (unlike RUMlog/ed) and has flexible import and export. The displays are also configurable and flexible. Support is the best I have ever experienced. Virtually all bug reports and many suggested improvements are acted on immediately and made available as a download, often within minutes to hours. It integrates cleanly with Cocoamodem for digital modes and has its own CW keying features. One might wonder why SV1HFY is so critical, but I guess we all have known folks who think that anything that's not perfect is trash.It's likely missing some pet feature of his. It does have some shortcomings as a contest program, but that's not what it's meant to be. As far as I'm concerned, MacLoggerDX is the absolute best Mac program for DX logging available., and when you consider the superior level of support and reliability, it's actually inexpensive.

On May 30, 2012 Hisashi Fujinaka (K7EMI) wrote:

Makes logging easy.

I got back on the low bands and MacLoggerDX is making things easy. I know some people won't want to pay for a program when there are free alternatives, but the support on MacLoggerDX is phenomenal, even on the weekends. Open Source, not so much. It doesn't do everything I want, but what does? MacLoggerDX and a paid QRZ account and I'm ready to finally get my WAJA and WAS (does anyone really live in Delaware?)

On May 30, 2012 George Siede (KD0PMW) wrote:

I won't turn on the radio with out it

This is a great program with unbelievable support. How many applications do you have that allow you to get an immediate response from the person who wrote the software when you have a problem? Even though my radio is too old to take advantage of the computer control feature or interface with the program directly I find this an excellent logging program that I use every time I'm in the shack both to log all my contacts and to see what is happening on the bands. Worth every penny.

On May 30, 2012 Gerald Simonowits (KB2GCG) wrote:

Great logging program

This is a great logging program that I've used for years. I also use PC based programs and it compares quite well. THere have recently been some comments by SV1HFY,regarding the address field. However, he failed to do some rudimentary investigation. The program writer put the question to his clients who responded :36% continue to import it and 54% Ignore it completely and allow user to fill in address with QRZ with 95 not caring. I think the author was very responsive to what most of his clients wanted.

On Apr 17, 2012 J. Doll (KL2D) wrote:

Great Program and AWESOME support!!!

This is a great logging program, especially combined with an XML subscription to QRZ.com. Plus, it pulls all of the relevant info from your radio. The best part is the near instantaneous support from Don. He even returned an email on Easter morning when I was having radio connectivity problems!!! (my fault as it turns out). I would highly reccomend it, don't be scared off by the price, it is worth it!!

On Apr 6, 2012 Earle M Craig, III (AB6WL) wrote:

Great Program!!

Since much has already been said in previous reviews about the wonderful features of MacLoggerDX, I will only add - Buy this program and enjoy using it along with Don's great customer support. It's worth every penny.

On Mar 5, 2012 M. Rachmil (KD6WIF) wrote: If I could give a 10 to a logging program MacLogger Dx 5.3.6 would get it hands down. There are several reasons for this. The first one being the support you get from the designer of the program Don Argo and I needed a program that would work well with my Apple. I have never meet Don but he has answered everyone of my questions and gets back to me when he gets my e mails.I have found many companies are never around when you need them once you have purchased their program. This is not the case with Don Argo.I have had all the versions of MacLogger DX from day one and each time a new version comes out it is even better. The graphics are unbelievable and to be quite honest everyday I discover it will do something else I had always wanted in a logging program. I am using my ICOM 7600 and my apple IMAC 10.6.8. My data base is QRZ.com. which is tied directly into the program. The different maps that you can choose from are fantastic. You make the contact it shows a line to the contact on the map and gives you the distance in miles and at the same time brings up all the information of the contact as well. The log itself is simple and gives you all the information you could ask for. It you want the program it to turn your beam it will do that as well with the right components. For those who want to do RTTY and PSK31 his program will work with several interface companies. I hope one day to have the pleasure of meeting Don to thank him personally for his help and advice. There is a free download which he offers. Do yourself a favor try it and if you do get it be assured Don will be there to answer any of your questions.

On Mar 3, 2012 R. Mackey (K6XR) wrote:

Amazing program

An amazing logging/radio control/dxCluster program. It becomes intuitive after just a little use and the layout is the very best. Of course, this is on my Mac-Mini. I have wkusb keyer connected as well and it is very smooth and easy to use. If you have a Mac, this is the program for your operating activities.

On Nov 6, 2011 H. Carey (K4TM) wrote:


I had a problem getting MacLoggerDX to recognize my K3/P3 and I sent an email to DogPark Software at 11am on a Sunday morning. Within a few minutes I had a response from Don Argo at DogPark with a suggestion on what to do. His suggestion worked FB and I am stunned at the outstanding customer service, a rarity in this day and age. As to the program, it does what it says it will do and does it very well. I highly recommend it! H. Cary, K4TM

On Oct 5, 2011 Jeff Burris (KB6CA) wrote:

Fantastic Support

When I became a ham again a couple of years ago after almost 50 years, I knew I wanted a logging program for my Mac and chose MacLoggerDX after reading all the great reviews. Now I'm writing one of those reviews and understand why the program gets all those rave reviews. MacLoggerDX, for myself, brings my contacts to life. I see their pictures, the map of their location, their names, all this info the instant I type in their call sign. But one of the most significant aspects of MacLoggerDX is the support by Don Agro. I swear he never sleeps! I have emailed him at all hours and usually get a reply within minutes if not faster. I am not a tech guru, and his support is priceless. Buy his program and you'll be glad you did

On Aug 27, 2011 Gene Howard (K5QXR) wrote:

Great Mac logging program

I'm fairly new to amateur radio. Saw the reviews of MacLoggerDX and decided to try it. I'm glad I did. It does everything I want for logging QSOs. A wide range of features as you can see on the dogparksoftware.com web site. It works as advertised. Supports control, etc for a wide range of tranceivers. Lots of features under one software roof. Support from creator Don A. is as good as I've ever seen for software - anywhere. Try it - you'll like it.

On Aug 6, 2011 R Scott Wright (K0MD) wrote:

Incredible Logging Program!

I have used this software for over a year now. This is my second review. I added a second review as I like using this program more every day. It is incredibly easy to use, it has great features including graphics, award tracking, instant QSL card generation to email a contact and the best feature is the ease of uploading QSO's to LOTW. Support from Don is nothing short of incredible. I cannot imagine ever going back to a PC based general logging program. The only feature that I do not use is the contest logging featuree as MacLogger DX grabs a lot of data for each entered call and frequently it provides far more data than a contest log needs.

On May 22, 2011 Mike Penix (K5REZ) wrote:

Mac Users - This is the ONE

I'm not a computer savvy guy. This is a WONDERFUL program! More bells and whistles than I'll ever use. Love it. Worth every penny. Quality, updates.. please read the reviews by other computer savvy people for their comments. Again, wonderful. Helps me make the most of my radio and contacts whether DX chasing or rag chewing.

On May 4, 2012 James Wyant (W7AH) wrote:

MacLoggerDX HD is a great app.

I never thought I would pay $40 for an iPad app, but a couple of weeks ago I purchased MacLoggerDX HD. I use MacLoggerDX as the logging program on my Mac and the two programs work together extremely well. The iPad version works very much like the Mac version. It is easy to sync the log on my Mac with the iPad. QRZ Online works well with both the cluster and the log and this is probably what I enjoy most about the program. I enjoy automatically seeing the photos associated with the different spots, just like on the Mac. It is also nice seeing the spots on the map. I always have my iPad with me and it is very convenient having a copy of my log, and DX spots with me. The unfortunate thing is that it is too easy to see what DX I am missing while I am working! MacLoggerDX HD is a well-written iPad app and in a short period of time it has become one of my favorite apps.

On May 13, 2011 Rick Prather (K6LE) wrote:

Latest version (1.07) of MacLoggerDX HD is a major upgrade to the logging portion.

As a long time user of MacLoggerDX on the Mac I was excited about having some of that power in an iPad app. However, after downloading 1.06 I found the Cluster portion to be great but was very dissappointed in the Logging section. I didn't think it was much of a log book program if you couldn't search previous contacts or even look at them without scrolling through the complete log. Well, most of not all of my concerns have been addressed in version 1.07. Now that I can search for existing contacts and quickly be able to list previous QSO's with a tap of the "green" button the log is transformed in to a powerful tool It's great to be able to have the iPad app control MacLogger on the desktop and using Airfoil I set up audio so I can hear what the radio is hearing. As I loaf on the patio if I see an interesting spot on the iPad I can take a listen and decide if I can hear the station and decide if it's workable before I run back in to the ham shack. Very useful app. K6LE

On May 2, 2011 David Atkins (VA3DPA) wrote:


I've used this now for about 6 months, with an IC-7200. Connected to the iMac with a USB cable direct from the radio. Works great. I like the look up using QRZ.com.

On Mar 15, 2011 Greg Shorey (KI4SVQ) wrote:


Don Agro is nothing short of fantastic!
MacLoggerDX is nothing short of fantastic!
I will let others review all the details but you will not be disappointed with the product or the customer care.
There are two essentials in my shack that I would never want to be without :
1) Band Scope ( 756 Pro III )
2) MacLoggerDX
Together a potent combo for Contesting/DX hunting and just everyday Ham Radio Enjoyment.

On October 27, 2010 Gary Tuck (W7TEA) wrote:

Incredible support

I've used this program for a few years and have seen it only improve and improve. Last week I wrote Don saying that I was looking at getting a new rig, just introduced. He asked for the CAT commands which I pulled from the manufacturer web site and within two days he had a new driver for the TS 590S. Incredible support!!

On July 31, 2010 Scott Meister (WB2REI) wrote:

Great Product with Great Support

After logging on paper for 37 years i joined the electronic generation. Committed to using my MAC in the Shack i decided on Don's product. I also coupled it to my radios with the Black Cat interface. The support from both of these products has been superb. Responses to queries are prompt and the Yahoo user site is very helpful. Does it have every feature you can imagine?? Of course not, no software package does, however i am very satisfied with my choice and would recommend it to others. Thanks Don!

On May 22, 2010 Richard Holock (KY6R) wrote:

Version 5.27 Superb!

Version 5.27 adds a really great spotting window with alarms, entering QSO's in the log window is much easier now, the program on the whole is faster, the interface if much nicer (it was always good before - now even better), and the new mapping features are really superb. There is a whole bunch of contest logging stuff - but I'm just a little pistol DX-er. For DXCC chasing - this program is my all time favorite - on the best platform!

On January 24, 2010 Scott Gregory (VA3NMI) wrote:

Don has THE flagship Mac program.

I am fairly new to amateur radio, licensed just over two years as of this writing.
I was somewhat worried about finding useful software for my Mac, given the preponderance of Windows (and even DOS) based programs in use.
Don, the author of MacLoggerDX is one of the Mac believers, that uses the best the platform has to offer to produce an excellent piece of software.
MacLoggerDX is a swiss-army knife program, does clusters, logging, mappiing and more. I know I have not used all of it, but the parts that I do work well for me.
Don is very responsive on the support Yahoo group, and on those few times that there is actually a bug in the program, instead of a user-misunderstanding, upgrades are regular.
I cannot give any comparison to similar products, but with a free trial available, if you have a Mac, you should give it a try!

On Dec 30, 2009 David Elliot (W6BK) wrote:

MacLoggerDX just seamlessly does what you want it to do.

This logging program has so many neat and useful features that it is pointless to describe any of them here. It is very useful to view the screen shots and the video on Dogpark’s website. This is a very good and complete description of the program.I first started using MacLoggerDX about two years ago when I got my first Mac. My interests are varied and my station setup is rather complex with three radios, a SteppIR antenna, a Yaesu rotator, and an Expert computer controlled linear amplifier. MacLoggerDX handles all of these simultaneously. Anything I want to do seems to be provided for.The author, Don Agro is readily available and extremely helpful. Problems are solved in days, often in hours. This software is constantly being upgraded. New features are added almost weekly. MacLoggerDX is at the top of the list of things that enhance my amateur radio experience.

On Dec 19, 2009 Bill Carnett (AH6FC) wrote:

Buy it

I've been using this for a couple years, ever since switching to Apple. Quite simple and straight forward to use, even for computer illiterates like me. Some times the call look up is a bit slow, but that may be my internet connection. Lots of good features. Support is excellent; quick response and help which is appreciated.I'll be upgrading to the newer version 5 in the next month when my iMac arrives...I've been using it on a Mac-mini...but it works fine.I would give a 5 but I haven't seen any software that deserves a 5. This program is as good as any PC based program, without questionAt least in my experience, it's not useful for contest work. Yes there are some suggestions and contest feature but I've not been successful in their implementation (remember computer illiterate), so I use a PC based contest program.The downside of Apple continues to be a somewhat limited menu of software, Ham radio included. However, the MacLoggerDX is just as robust as PC based programs, easy to use, and very stable. Highly recommend.73, Bill AH6FC/

On July 27, 2009, Michael Blake (K9JRI) wrote:

MacLoggerDX total integration

The latest MacLoggerDX beta (V5.11 b40) has added a very nice voice keyer feature. I have been using it to call CQ on 10 meters today with good results. A few days before the voice keyer was added the CW keyer appeared and both are quite excellent.
These two keyers make remote operation of the station even better than ever. Integrated with cocoaModem and MultiScan SSTV MacloggerDX provides the smoothest radio interface I have seen.
When MacLoggerDX is used to follow the DX Cluster incoming spots are automatically looked up via your favorite database site (I use QRZ), their photos placed on the Logging screen, their call and location verbally announced and their location plotted on any one of three different maps.
If you are a contester, which I am not, it will provide all of the support required for most if not all awards.
I have been a ham since 1957 and have used a computer in the hamshack since 1979. The integration of MacLoggerDX, cocoaModem, MultiScan SSTV along with the Micro Ham digital interfaces (I use the digiKeyer) provides the best interface I have ever used.
If you have a Mac then MacLoggerDX is a MUST HAVE. If you don't have a Mac then you really should get one :)

On Jul 17, 2009 Brett Eisenberg (AI5C) wrote:

Just Keeps Getting Better

When considering the purchase of any software solution, there are two very important characteristics that can be difficult to ascertain: how frequently the software is updated, and how responsive the developer is to support requests. I've been using MLDX since version 3.x and Don Agro's relentless improvements as well as consistent and dedicated customer support keep it firmly entrenched as the premier ham radio logging and control solution for OSX.

On Mar 14, 2009 Bruce Van Houten (KB1IIX) wrote:


Anything I would say would echo all the rave reviews already here. Don and the software he develops is simply unbelieveably great! This man never sleeps! I had some problems (mostly my stupidity) and he went way above the call to help me. I just can't say enough good about him and his software. If you're a ham and have a Mac, buy now! Brand new, dual core iMac and it runs great. VERY fast.

On Mar 14, 2009 Bruce Jarrell (KI4TJY) wrote:

OUTSTANDING v5 Even Better

I have been using MacLoggerDX since I was first licensed. I use an Icom 756 Pro III with the MicroHAM DIGIKeyer as the interface to my MacPro running MacLoggerDX and cocoaModem for some digital modes. I have had nothing but great results with MacLoggerDX. Early on I had a problem with the radio interface – sent Don a question – and his quick response fixed that operator error. Needless to say with customer SERVICE like this I upgraded to version 5.0 when it was first available. I could not be happier with its performance – even better than v4. The newest version has been rock solid from its first release. Today I found a small problem with v5.03 (i.e., double click on the station line on the DXCluster and some frequencies with small decimals (.1) tuned on radio was off frequency by less than 1Hz due to a rounding error) definitely not a major issue but Don’s response was nothing short of spectacular. I emailed a description of this to Don and got a response 12 minutes later along with a new beta that fixed the error. I know every fix can’t be expected to be this quick but when it can be what an impression it leaves. I can tell everyone from experience having been a software engineer since 1965 this type quick of a fix in several hundreds or thousands of lines of source code is pretty amazing. This sort of customer SERVICE is outstanding and my hat is off to Mr. Agro. He is one of the most prolific software engineers I have ever had the pleasure to come in contact with. He supports his product and his customer base. Don’t we all wish other companies would take this lead. Thanks Don, for your dedication to the Macintosh users Amateur Radio community and the creation and support of MacLoggerDX a great product!

Oct 31, 2008 Lawrence West (N2LJ) wrote:

A Must-Have for Mac Hams!

When I first got into HF (about 2004), I picked up MLDX and a MicroHAM USB interface for my Icom 718. The experience was amazing. MLDX talked to the 718 right off the bat, with no issues. Logging was made extremely simple with the Call lookup capability, frequency reading, and the spotting all in one package.
Over the years, MLDX has seen continual improvement, from new features to new radios. There is an active online message board that everyone should join, if they use MLDX.
I recently submitted my entire set of logs to LOTW and eQSL. Export was easy, and I haven't seen any problems yet.
I can't wait to pick up a new HF rig, and a new MicroHam interface. Sometimes I think MLDX misses my old 718 when it shows me 00.000000 in the frequency display!

On Sep 30, 2008 (N4GW) wrote:

Great software

My computer died a few months ago so this time I bought an iMac. I was wondering if I could find some good Mac software for my HAM Radio hobby. Well I came across this software and have been very pleased. This is great software. It interfaces with my old Kenwood TS-850SAT with ease. It plots locations of contacts on a world map, has DX spotting and can tune automatically to DX spots. I have not been dissapointed in this software. I have had non-HAM friends see it in action and wtahced there jaws drop open. If you have a mac, this is the one to go with. You will not be dissapointed

On May 13, 2011 Richard Dunklee (NR2D) wrote:

Another quality product from Dog Park

I was just thinking of send Dog Park Software about a cluster program for my IPAD. Must have been reading my mind. So far works great. Had a minor problem exporting my log from DX4WIN to MACLOGGER DX then to MACLOGGER DX HD. Operator error. Now all 3 logs are the same. Haven't gone any further in controlling my rig though. Glad this app final came out and it works great.

On Sep 30, 2008 (W0WG) wrote:

Bye-bye Windows !

I'm a brand new Apple iMac user and was concerned about finding something to replace DX4WIN on the Windows platform. Not to worry ! MacLoggerDX is an excellent, easy-to-use program with many nifty features. It is very easy to install and setup. For example, as soon as I entered my city and state, it automatically entered my Lat/Lon and grid square. I am using it with a ICOM IC-7700 connected with a West Mountain Radio RigTalk USB-to-ICOM adapter cable. The software includes a DX-Cluster "spot" database and free internet station lookup. It's really neat to HEAR a spot announced, see it's address and it's location plotted on a world map and have your radio tuned to the spot frequency! AND, if you have a compatible antenna rotor, it will even turn it to the appropriate direction. Last but not least, the support is top notch. Very rapid response to emails and easy to follow instructions. A trial version is available, but once you try it I think you'll buy it. You won't regret it.

On Aug 7, 2008 (M0XDF) wrote:

Still the best and my only Logger

I stand by my 1st and 2nd reviews (search for 2E0XDF & M3XDF).
MLDX is still one of the best pieces of s/w I have used on a Mac (since 1985!) and a great logging program. The support is unbelievable and the cost minor compared to the service (free upgrades approx 1/month for 5 years, including the Intel version).
Features, bug fixes and support for new rigs are produced very quickly (within 1 day for the K3) and the service is personal.
This was my last review:
I posted the below in May 2005 when I was 2E0XDF, I still stand by every word today
I've been in IT for 36 years and this has got to be the best supported program I've ever seen and that goes for all DogPark software . Don's support/service/responce etc is second to none.
I've been using Macs since 1985 and this is one of the best programs I've seen on a Mac (in fact, on any of I don't know how many platforms).

I'm a relativily new ham (Sep'03) and this program has helped me get started and contiunes to do more than I can currently foresee me needing. That's not to say its over complicated, its extremely easy to use, yet very comprehensive.
* 3D Maps have got to be seen to be believed! *
Questions to Don always result in a clear answer and if I don't understand, further questions get the same fast, clear responce.
Suggestions for features etc get added within days (sometimes within hours, one today within minutes!), but if you're the kind of person who likes to wait a little before upgrading, thats not a problem. There has never been a "must upgrade" comment. And MaxLoggerDX is writen to accommadate this.
*** I can't praise MLDX enough. ***
Well done Don and thanks for such a great program with fantastic support.

On Aug 2, 2008 (VE5OA) wrote:

Great support

Don is right on the ball with support. He is likely the most patient man in the business. And...the product is super - First Class. Beautiful interface. It's a product worthy of being used on a Mac.

On Jul 29, 2008 (K3SF) wrote:

MacloggerDX Rocks

I have been a longtime Mac user and Macloggerdx user. I have seen it evolve over the years.
for me it just ROCKS..
I use it on a day to day basis for casual operating. and also in dx contesting..two extremes of ham hf operating and it works well in both these modes.
for example, while payng bills using quicken, i have hf rig fired up and mldx running at the same time..dxcluster setup to announce any new country i might need...does this mode work...yep..work BS7H on 20 m cw while paying my mortage.. wow what a payoff
this program has helped me make the most of my ham operating time and is easy to use..
just read the manual and if you dont understand, just drop don agro an email and he will help you along..
the program works as advertised..
not only that you can try it before you buy it.. i did this because i wanted to be sure it would work with my computer/comms/radio setup
i was able to troubleshoot my setup without spending any $$$ up front...once i was convinced it was the right stuff..i bought it and havent regretted one bit (pun intented)
i use it in conjunction with cocoamodem, work cw and digital modes and never place a hand on the radio..keyboard and mouse operations
try it.. the demo is free and full featured..it just timesout after 10 minute..start it again and keep on playing with it...you can do this indefinitely..
find out what you like and what you dont... doesn't cost you anything
as i said before MLDX ROCKS

On Feb 12, 2008 (KE5AQD) wrote:

Complete rig control for the Mac

MacLoggerDx is the most full-featured and complete rig control, logging program for the Mac. In addition, there are extensive memories and schedules to make sure that you never miss a net. The one feature though that sets MLDX apart is its Applescriptability. This feature allows it to integrate with other Mac programs (cocoaModem for example) to automate logging. If you are a Ham with a Mac, MLDX is a must-have!

On Jan 23, 2008 (WA6L) wrote:

Unbelievable Support!

The support for this product exceeds anything I have seen for any software on any platform.
Most recently, I purchased a used TS-60 with the optional RS-232 interface. I thought that the existing driver for the TS-50 would work with MacLoggerDX. It didn't.
I emailed Don and within 12 hours he had written a driver for the TS-60 and posted it to the web site. This is absolutely stunning.
The longer I use this software, the better I like it. More than any rig or any accessory, it is the cornerstone of my station. Logging is just the tip of the iceberg as I use it for contesting, award tracking, and QSL'ing.
If you are a Windows user, it would be worth buying a Mac just to use this software. It is that good.

On Nov 26, 2007 (2E0PIE) wrote:


I've been using Macs for nearly 20 years and I didn't plan to change just to get free Windows logging software. MacLoggerDX was the obvious choice when I got my licence and it's been in use in this shack for nearly a year. I like the interface, the features and the flexibility, but most of all I like the rapid response to problems of its developer, Don Aggro. No matter how dim my question, or how how badly I have screwed some procedure, he's always there to reply crisply and effectively within a few minutes. I'm not sure if there's one Don or a whole bunch of them. It doesn't matter; for the modest outlay, this is superb software. On the few occasions it hasn't worked - operator error, inevitably - I've felt bereft. In short, a terrific product and customer service way beyond the norms.

On Nov 2, 2007 (HI8HA) wrote:

Great product with all the information a ham may need.

My english is not as good as I would like it to be, in order to say all the good things there are to be said about the MacLoggerDX. In the almost two years that I have used it, not once have I had any problems with it, and the times when I have fouled up things, Don's response has been practically immediate, very courteous and accurate.
Since using MacLoggerDX, I had no further use for a prefix, a map, and QRZ links that I was always referring to. A click to look up button gave me all the needed information. All the information imaginable a ham may need or want is contained in the program.
All that I can say is, if you have a Mac, get it, if you don't, get one, so that you too can use this unsurpassable program.

On Oct 3, 2007 (KC2MJT) wrote:

Buy It!

MacLoggerDX has been in my shack in daily use for over 6 months. Although my QSO count isn't stellar, I use the software during casual QSOs and occasionally in the heat of a CW sprint. I find the package feature reach, stable and intuitive to navigate e.g. a clean interface with fields logically grouped and sequenced. The software permits customization of features such as ordering the fields in the log book. Data entry is easy, and like any mouse driven environment, your speed of use will increase if you learn to use the tab key and keyboard shortcuts.
I haven’t had much use for customer support as I found the online manual sufficient to either answer my questions or get me so close that with a little experimentation ( ‘poke & hope’ ) I could figure it out. This streak ended one day as I searched my online callsign provider from within MacLoggerDX. MacLoggerDX threw an error message at me and stared back; that blank stare you get when all the fields go blank and the error message means nothing to you. I suspected a problem with my online provider, but being the typical end user my first contact was the company responsible for the software I was using at the time of the problem. To my surprise on a Friday night, I got a response within an hour or two of my email. Not only did I get direct contact with the developer, he worked me through the problem even though both he and I knew the ultimate resolution would come from my third party callsign provider. Don Agro, the developer of MacLoggerDX, asked the right questions to guide me down the path of enlightenment. Don helped me ‘learn’ a little about how his software works, and in doing so he helped me resolve my own problem. This was all accomplished without condescending mightier than thou techno babble and defensive posturing occasionally found from software developers both small and large. Don takes pride in his work and I believe he is genuinely happy to help his customer base. Needless to say, I have nothing but kind words for Dog Park Software; the company and individual.
I’ve played with other logging packages for both Windows and Linux. In my opinion, MacLoggerDX is the most flexible and feature rich package available on the market for the price. The laundry list of features is long, from rig interfacing ( I haven't used yet), award tracking, eQSL/LOTW submissions if that’s your bag, and a built in Telog screen for use with your favorite DX spot. The dynamic map is an added bonus that I find particularly attractive. The map displays the location at the other end of the QSO on a well crafted digital image of the world – this of course all assumes the other op is sitting at his QTH.
Although I haven’t ‘tested’ all of MacLoggerDXs features, I can say for my day-to-day use the software exceeds my expectations. I surmise from the reviews of others they too find the software easy to use and stable. It would be nice to dynamically resize the display fonts and window dimensions from within the package without going through the OS. It might be in there, I'll have to look for it. Needless to say, there were small data entry details that took a bit of use to get comfortable with, but it only takes a day or two of casual use before it becomes second nature.
Recommendation: Buy It.

On Apr 30, 2007 John Szendy (KC2PMX) wrote:

Rock Solid Very Professional Fun to use

After using this program for 2 months I have to say it is a fantastic program that works smoothly and puts some fun into even basic logging. In 2 months even when running multiple tasks like DX clusters Logging and internet lookup it has never crashed. It is a very stable program with all the features you could want. Type in a callsign hit lookup and get all the information you need. Click the map panel & see where it is. No more pulling out maps to see where Palembang? is. Run the DX clusters to see if any rare DX station are on the air. Just click on the station and it will tune your radio there. Contest Helper is great to check for duplicate contacts without performing a search. Send out EQSL's or print our cards & labels. I'm leaving out a lot but don't want to go on forever. You will never find tech support and problem solving anywhere like you get from Don. He knows the program inside & out and is always fast to respond with an answer to every question. I emailed him on a Saturday expecting answer on Monday. I had an email 1/2 hour after I sent it! If you have a PC throw it out buy a Mac & get this program. If you have a Mac what are you waiting for. I saw one review that said this is unfinished software. I have to disagree. It works great as is and is constantly being improved and updated so it never gets old.

On April 27, 2007 Gary Tuck (W7TEA) wrote:


After 30 years, I decided to move to computer logging. While I've used windows for most ham applications, when it comes to "mission critical" apps and files, OS X is the clear choice here. So, I bought MacLoggerDX. What an incredible program! After three weeks I am still learning all this program can do. And the support.....unbelievable.....Don Agro has answered my emails during the wee hours of the morning, holding my hand thru one little question after another. I am very very pleased--with the program and the support.
They say software should drive hardware choices. Getting an Intel Mac so you can run MacLoggerDX and your favorite windows programs makes even more sense now.

On April 3, 2007 John Graf (WA6L) wrote:

The best on any computing platform

I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said. This is the best logging program available; regardless of the computing platform.
I use a Windows computer occasionally, and I have not found anything that even comes close to the elegance, ease of use, and feature set of MLDX. This software has become as much a part of my station as any radio or accessory.
I have had a couple of occasions to ask for help from Don Agro (VE3VRW) and have always received a very prompt and courteous reply. In every case, it has been something that I was doing wrong and never a problem with the software. Don has the patience of a saint.
This is great software with excellent support, an enthusiastic group of users, and every feature you could possibly want in a logging program.

On April 2, 2007 Jeffrey M. Swiger (N8NOE) wrote:


The Best Mac Logging I have seen, with tons of features. Take a look at this, and judge for yourself!

On February 28, 2007 B. Scott Andersen (NE1RD) wrote:


MacLoggerDX was used on my recent DXpedition to Montserrat as my logging program, and to consolidate the logs from all seven team members. The program ran flawlessly while I ground through the pile-ups. At the end of each day, I imported logs from the other operators (one who also used MacLoggerDX, and the others who logged in their own PC-based programs) to help produce on-line searchable pages for the DXpedition web site. MacLoggerDX is rock-solid, elegant, versatile, and the cornerstone of the software suite I've developed to support my DXpeditions and DXpedition web sites. MacLoggerDX still remains one of the best investments I've made in the hobby. (-- Scott NE1RD/VP2MRD)

On February 28, 2007 Gustavo Berges (KK4GBG) wrote:

Exemplary Support

Exemplary as in it should serve as a prime example for other software developers offering solutions to the market as to how to do excellent service. This definition does not do Don Agro's product justice as his service and support is far beyond this or anything else I've experienced since starting in the digital computing world around 1978.
There has not been one issue that I have encountered and requested help with that has not been met not only with the correct answer, but in an incredible short time frame. This man really knows his product inside and out, and then some. Also, whenever a suggestion has been made, it is incorporated into a new revision, sometimes within a day. That my friends is unheard of.
All products can be improved but when you see continual progress in response to user needs you certainly feel rewarded for giving your patronage to this company. And a super reasonable price for what you get to boot!
Additionally, there is an incredible community of users in the DogParkList where others share their experiences in resolving problems, or giving you ideas how to progress, as well as Don himself.
No, this program, its creator, his support, help, quick response time and service is beyond exemplary. Look at all the reviews and draw your own conclusions.

On February 28, 2007 David John Ferrington (2E0XDF) wrote:

Still Great in every way.

I posted the below in May 2005 when I was 2E0XDF, I still stand by every word today
I've been in IT for 36 years and this has got to be the best supported program I've ever seen and that goes for all DogPark software . Don's support/service/responce etc is second to none.
I've been using Macs since 1985 and this is one of the best programs I've seen on a Mac (in fact, on any of I don't know how many platforms).
I'm a relativily new ham (Sep'03) and this program has helped me get started and contiunes to do more than I can currently foresee me needing. That's not to say its over complicated, its extremely easy to use, yet very comprehensive.
* 3D Maps have got to be seen to be believed! *
Questions to Don always result in a clear answer and if I don't understand, further questions get the same fast, clear responce.
Suggestions for features etc get added within days (sometimes within hours, one today within minutes!), but if you're the kind of person who likes to wait a little before upgrading, thats not a problem. There has never been a "must upgrade" comment. And MaxLoggerDX is writen to accommadate this.
*** I can't praise MLDX enough. ***
Well done Don and thanks for such a great program with fantastic support.

On February 27, 2007 Richard M. Holoch (KY6R) wrote:


I switched from Windoze on PC's at home to the Mac. I use Aperture and Photoshop on the Mac, and like it much better than any past Windoze OS I've had. (I use Linux and UN*X at work, so I appreciate that OS X is a version of BSD, but with lots of app support).
I replaced DXBase on a PC with MacLogger DX on a Mac, and it took me a while to finally "get it" as far as watching spots on a map instead of in a boring list.
I liked the DXBase list of worked entities matrix better than the way you can list them in MacLoggerDX, but now I am used to the way MacLoggerDX does it, it no longer matters.
I love the map spotting, and also found the rig interface to work FB with the OrionII and with a USB adapter (KeySpan).

On December 31, 2006 George Korper (K3GK) wrote:

I overlooked..

When I wrote my review, I overlooked many neat features, that I hadn't discovered, like a full memory panel. Some years ago my wife gave me a Swiss Army knife and I put it in my pocket. A couple of years later I was bugging her for some tweezers, and she said casually, " They're on your knife." Don Agro has put about everything you'll ever need in this program, so be prepared for adventure and try to ignore that, "Why didn't I see that?", feeling. You never know when you may need a tweezer!

On October 3, 2006 Michael Wells (G7VJR) wrote:

Superb software, great support

MacLogger DX looks great but it also has a huge range of features, all carefully pulled together into a single package. Using MLDX is straightforward, and it is well adapted to deal with LoTW and eQSL, QRZ.com and other callsign services, as well as DX Clusters and popular awards. The world map is great, and there is also a clever 3D mode.
MLDX is also extremely well supported by Don Agro, whose efforts to improve the product and help users are tireless. He is working on Universal Binary versions, contest modes etc - and also develops MacDoppler, a very neat satellite package. I recently bought an FT-2000MP and, within days, Don had supplied a beta which works with the rig's CAT interface.
Highly recommended and extremely functional software - it makes DXing on a Mac anything but a compromise!

On August 22, 2006 Jim Cheal (KI4QBR) wrote:

Excellent genius software

One of the best Macintosh programs I have ever purchased since I first got Photoshop on one floppy for the Mac. I live by photography and video, so Mac is where it’s at for this fellow.
Not only is Don one heck of a nice person, who has built one incredible app. for the Macintosh hams out there, but also I again feel bad for those who don’t use a Mac because they are not able to enjoy this wonderful piece of software genius.
I’ve been a Mac Addict since 1989, and just recently got back into the ham hobby once again after being off the air for a few decades. I didn’t really like the idea of running a Windows box for a logging program, so I was very excited when I found Don’s MacLoggerDX.
I happened to mention to him that I love Collins gear, and that I happen to have been able to purchase a limited edition dual VFO unit called the AOR DDS-2A, which allows me to control my KWM-2 with memories, etc., and that it had provisions for computer control because it was an overseas model of the DDS-2A. Well, Don was not only kind enough to offer to try and write a driver for my unit, but he did it in record time of less than 24 hrs. after I sent him the programming pages from the manual. Although I offered to pay him extra for his hard work for a limited computer interface, but he said “ No Charge!”
What kind of wonderful software company would go out of their way to provide a customer a semi-custom driver and then make it work just like a dream? Good luck finding a company like that in this day and age.
I can’t say enough great things about this software, the person, and the company. I would just be repeating what others have already said before, but you can be rest assured that I am one Happy Camper here. To think, I now have a Collins rig that is computer controlled, and works like a charm! I’m sorry, I’m not a purest, as I like to combine old with new when it makes sense, and this along with my Kenwood TS-940S is just a wonderful combo with MacLoggerDX !!
This program alone is enough to convince someone to “make the switch” to a Mac.
Thank you Don for making such a wonderful program for us Macintosh hams! We all really appreciate your wonderful hard work and love for this hobby.
73, Jim

On March 25, 2006 Chris Harris (VP8BKF) wrote:

Top class software

I have had Maclogger almost as long as I have had a Mac. I bought it within a day of downloading the trial.
After moving to a Mac from windows I did a bit of searching for a good logging programme and found a few that did some of what I wanted but nothing that did everything I wanted. As a ham who lives in a rare location I need something that can handle the pileups, let me process the data, and handle QSLing. I also dabble in the big contests. My rig is a K2 and Maclogger happily talks to that.
I use a QRZ CDROM and Maclogger happily looks up my QSOs as I enter the callsign and displays information on the other operator and station. The only time I turn this off is when I am working a pileup at high speed. In this case the CD access is too slow to keep up, not Macloggers fault. However I loose none of the info because I can select the log entries for that session later and Maclogger will look up the selected entries and insert the missing information.
I've recently got an always on internet connection and started playing with the DX clusters. This part of Maclogger is as highly configurable as the rest and works really well.
There are a bunch of features I haven't really got into yet such as; the user call book, scheduling, memories, bands, tnc etc. I have a simple station K2, and OCF dipole for 80, 40, 20 and 10m which also works on the WARC bands, and a vertical for 15m so no need for rotators of beam headings, but Maclogger will supply all this info and control your rotator if you have one.
Awsome support -
I had have had two reasons to call on Don (the author) for help. The first was when I found a bug in the split and vfo radio controls - Don had that fixed in a day. The second was when I decided to start using Maclogger to print my QSL labels. I found that I could not buy 10 row label sheets anywhere on the Islands. I emailed Don and asked if he could add a 3 colum 8 row label format and specified a particular brand and type of labels that I could buy. Don had a new version supporting my label format up on the site before I knew it. I tested and reported back to Don and over he next day we fine-tuned the format until it was working perfectly (about 6 versions I think it was).
All in all excellent software, and support better than any I have ever seen!

On Mar 3, 2006 Bill Hammond (AK5X) wrote:

Superior support

There are three things that we must ask ourselves when thinking about any software purchase:

Is this a living product? (the only finished software is obsolete software)
Will the support I need be there when I need it?
Will the product provide the functionality I need?
From my experience with the MacLoggerDX program and Dog Park Software, the answer is a resounding YES.
My support story:
I have used the MacLoggerDX program for some time and had interfaced it with my ICOM 756 PRO II, a wonderful combination. As my computer is an IMAC G5 without a standard serial port, I acquired a USB to serial interface converter to use between the ICOM C-IV level converter and the computer (the C-IV connects to the rig). This worked for a while just great. One day the program and the rig just stopped communicating. I believe the problem was the USB to serial converter.
In the mean time microHam introduced a very elegant solution that would eliminate the ICOM C-IV and add isolation between the computer and rig. The preassembled interface cable alone is worth the $100 price tag on the microHam interface II. I ordered it, fired it up and oops, it keys the rig continuously. I tried every configuration I could think of and the problem persisted. I emailed microHam with no response. I emailed Dog Park Software with my problem and within an hour Don replied and asked for a bedbug dump and screen scrape of the configuration. I provide both and in no time he noticed I have a check mark in the mh block on the preferences screen in error. I try to remove it but it just wants to be there. I replied with this result. Less than a half hour elapsed and he replies: “It is a Bug.” He then provided a work around for the problem. Before I had time to apply the work around he emailed me with information that he had a fix on the website to download.
Now back to the three criteria for purchasing software above.
1.) Is this a living product?
Yes, new rig interfaces and features are constantly being added, example microHam.
2.) Will the support I need be there when I need it?
You bet it will, read above. They gave me more support in a more timely manor than I expected.
3.) Will the product provide the functionality I need?
Honestly, I use about half the functionally of the product. Having said that, with low sunspots, I find that just learning what the product will do is almost as fun as working a new one.

On Jan 3, 2006 Bill Wantz, (N3HQB) wrote:

Now Supports Icom 765

My HF rig is integrated with my Mac, at last.
Thanks, Don.
The attention to detail of this elegant software is exceeded only by the thoughtful planning and layout which went into it. Mac software wizard at work here. Given the limited data interface of the 765, MacLoggerDX uses it all. I'm looking forward to trying the MicroHam products now supported by MacLoggerDX, and appreciate the other posts on this eHam review thread.
I am simply blown away by the AutoTune feature in the DX Cluster screen (the Icom lights up and clicks like a pinball machine), the QSL card designer and the 3D world view.

On December 22, 2005 Brett Eisenberg (KG6THM) wrote:

Without a doubt, the best on any platform...

I'm a relatively new ham, but I'm not new to the software world. I've been developing computer software and hardware for almost 25 years. MacLoggerDX has exceeded all my expectations.
I can't say I've put the software through it's paces. I'm taking my general in January, so all my HF play is on the receiving end at the moment. I've used it on 2m/70cm/6m, and I've used it to track and listen to a variety of things on HF. No contesting, no pileups, no packet...but here's why you should take my "5" rating for more than an uninformed, overenthusiastic mistake:
The support is awesome.
Let me repeat that. The support is AWESOME.
Don has given me informed, concise, and accurate answers to every question I've asked him. I can't stress this enough. If he can answer all of my stupid questions about integrating my 897D to my computer, he can answer yours. That's priceless. It makes the reasonable amount of money I paid for the software seem too little.
I've never dealt with an individual developer who was willing, able, and happy to provide this level of support. Don clearly loves his products, and loves ham radio.
The software itself seems amazing. I've played with several comparable Windows offerings, and went with MLDX. It runs on my underpowered laptops just as well as it does on my desktop. Don spends the time to optimize.
This is the best software product I've bought in years, for any purpose.

On December 1, 2005 Jeff Swiger (N8NOE) wrote:


The BEST logging for Mac OSX, BAR-NONE!

On December 1, 2005 John Paul Hellyer (W3PH) wrote:

Amazingly cool!

This is one amazing piece of software. Be warned: if you see MacLoggerDX in action, and you don't already have a Mac, you'll run out and get one just to run this software. I'm serious.
I've used MacLoggerDX on a TS-940, K2, and 756ProIII, and it works equally well with all of them. It doesn't try to control every function of the rigs, just the important stuff. I particularly like little touches like the split button - if you come across a DX station working split, you can choose +1, +2, +5, etc. from the pulldown and get your transmit frequency in the ballpark instantly.
The Contest helper function is very nice for avoiding dupes - this works in real time and is very handy.
One of the best features: the map. Enter the other station's call, hit CMD-L, and MacLoggerDX looks up the info from QRZ.com (either free or paid mode) and shows you on the map where he is. I've really sharpened up my grasp of geography since using this program. There's a box to click that instantly puts a yellow + at the location of everybody you've worked - that's fun, and also gives you an idea of what directions your antennas seem to be favoring. There's an optional 3D feature that's well worth getting - this renders the earth as a globe instead of a map, and you can spin it with the mouse. This really helps visualize the path your signal is taking. It's also great fun to see dots all over the globe showing the stations you've worked. This feature ranks very high in the "Wow!" department.
As others have indicated, Don Agro provides amazing support. Last weekend I decided to set up MacLoggerDX with a ProIII and MicroHam keyer - it worked, but I wrote to Don suggesting that he add the ability to toggle autospace and typeahead in the MicroKeyer - I was astounded to get a reply maybe two hours later indicating that he'd added the features and the new version was ready for download on his web site ... and the mods worked perfectly!
This is an absolutely great piece of software, with fantastic support.

On November 28, 2005 Robert L Lacey (KF4GTA) wrote:

Mac Users: Look no further

If you are an Apple user, MLDX is the absolute best. It truly is a top notch program with top notch support. Don has always been very gracious in hearing my needs and responding with a solution usually within the hour. This program really is a "Swiss Army Knife". I find a new features everytime I use it. If you want a program that grows in parallel with the hobby, you've found it.

On November 23 , 2005 Bill Maynard (W5VCI) wrote:

A transition from 1965 to 2005

I entered Amateur Radio in 1958 and purchased a Drake TR-4 in 1965. After all of these years of using a paper logging pad, I upgraded in 2005 to a Icom 756PRO3 and a Mac G5 20" computer. I was looking for a logging program and found Don's MacLoggerDx. This program has let me re-gain the thrill of Amateur Radio. When I had to find a interface between the Mac and the Icom, Don came to the rescue again by providing info on Ampkeyer. He then assisted me in a few little bugs that were my own to get me fully interfaced. I would certainly reccommend MacLoggerDx to any new or old timer who needs to upgrade to modern Amateur Radio. Thanks Don for yor support. I am having great fun and doing it easy.

On October 27, 2005 Yarub Balkhair (HZ1YB) wrote:

I bought over a dozen of licenses for different logging programs that I use with my Windows based PC. Each program has its own cons and pros. They extend from simplicity to complexity, plain to many cosmetics and add-on features. In other words, no one program had 'everything' contained in one package under the same window. None of those satisfied my needs until I bumped into MacLoggerDX.
But MacLoggerDX is a Mac based program. I read more reviews about it, read about its features on Don Agro's site ‘Dog Park Software’. I decided to purchase an iMac G5 for that purpose and installed MacLoggerDX. To me it was a big WOW when I opened the program. One of the most important features that I liked most (again from my own perspective) is the Panels feature. You can access the Log and edit entries easily, check previous contacts in details, a User Call Book that you can log special activities, outstanding 2D and 3D option color map with many options, Schedules, Memories, Bands, DXCluster, TNC operation, QSL and eQSL card pre designed with options of your choice, Address and QSL labels printing, Awards panel, etc., etc. You can browse any panel just with a click of a mouse and you are there. In other words you have everything you need under one ceiling, especially if you are too demanding like me!
What tops MacLoggerDX is Don Agro's (VE3VRW) instant and continuous support. If you bump into any query just drop Don a line and you see him like sitting next to you providing help and assistance. I think MacLoggerDX is a total hit in logging programs. In fact it made me totally migrate from Windows PC to Mac !
I highly recommend MacLoggerDX for the demanding user.

On October 25, 2005 Blake Nielson (W7PQ) wrote:

The Best!

I have been using MacLogger DX since May of 2004. I have never had such a positive experience with Mac software, its developer and support.
This product is enough to convince PC users to switch to Mac--its that good.
Back in May 2004 I had trouble with my Piexx card that interfaced with my rig. Don worked through the problem with me, even when it wasn't a software, but Piexx card problem. He went the extra mile and then some.
There have been frequent updates, all seemless with improved functionality. For nearly a year and a half, these updates have been free.
I am absolutely thrilled with it and the support. You can't go wrong.

On March 1, 2005 Jim Baker (W2NSF) wrote:

The reason why it's the best!

Yesterday, I was contemplating getting caught up with my QSL card duties and I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be great if I could print out labels from my log with the QSO info (e.g. Call, Date, UTC, Band, Report, Mode) and just stick them to my preprinted QSL cards? So, I sent Don (author of MacLoggerDX) an email to that effect. This morning, I got an email from Don inviting me to try out the new feature of MacLoggerDX - QSO Info Label Printing. WOW! In all my years, I've never gotten such great, responsive service from any business, let alone a software provider.
Aside from the absolutely great quality of the program, to me, this service is what sets Dog Park Software and MacLoggerDX a quantum level above the nearest competitor.

On March 28, 2005 Jeff Beiermann (WB0M) wrote:

Worth every penny

Being a life-long Mac user, I've been waiting a great Macintosh logging program and it is finally here. I've used about every Mac program out there and this is the one to buy. I was tentative about spending the money too, but now I'm sorry I didn't buy MLDX sooner. I've loaded files manually into eQSL and LoTW, but never again. Luckily I saved all those old .adi files and they loaded seamlessly into MLDX. It keeps track not only of DXCC, but all the different bands (and shows you just how many QSL cards you need to send). And now with Cab-converter (a Cabrillo program by Scott Anderson, NE1RD, that uses MLDX) I can play in contests and actually send in the log! As someone else said, if you don't have a Mac - get one and get MLDX.
73, Jeff/wb0m

On April 8, 2005 Lon Kinley (N3ZKP) wrote:

Great Mac Program

I have been using MacLoggerDX since last Fall, but didn't really have a chance to give it much of a workout until the recent WPX contest.
My old logging program was just a "flat-file" program with no bells and whistles. MLDX not only logs but gives me almost complete control of my TS-570. It doesn't control volume and such, but everything essential is at my computer fingertips. Being able to double-click on a DX spot and have the rig shift to that mode/frequency and look up the station information is very convenient.
In addition to the excellent program, which is updated on a frequent basis, Don Agro's support is outstanding. I have had a few problems, most of which could have been resolved if I had re-read the manual, and Don responded to my needs within a few hours, at most. Most of the time it's under an hour to get a response. I think this man doesn't sleep or he has cloned himself just to handle support.
If you are a Mac user, this is the logging/control software for you. Incidentally, I bet a new Mac Mini would make a a dynamite dedicated logging machine.
Thanks, Don, for your outstanding product AND your equally outstanding support.

On May 25, 2005, David Ferrington (2E0XDF) wrote:

Fantastic in EVERY way

I've been in IT for 36 years and this has got to be the best supported program I've ever seen and that goes for all DogPark software . Don's support/service/response etc is second to none.
I've been using Macs since 1985 and this is one of the best programs I've seen on a Mac (in fact, on any of I don't know how many platforms).
I'm a relativily new ham (Sep'03) and this program has helped me get started and contiunes to do more than I can currently foresee me needing. That's not to say its over complicated, its extremely easy to use, yet very comprehensive.
* 3D Maps have got to be seen to be believed! *
Questions to Don always result in a clear answer and if I don't understand, further questions get the same fast, clear responce.
Suggestions for features etc get added within days (sometimes within hours, one today within minutes!), but if you're the kind of person who likes to wait a little before upgrading, thats not a problem. There has never been a "must upgrade" comment. And MaxLoggerDX is writen to accommadate this.
*** I can't praise MLDX enough. ***
Well done Don and thanks for such a great program with fantastic support.

On June 8, 2005 Richard Pomeroy (W7RKR) wrote:

Excellent, Great Support

Bought the software but there was not a driver for my old Yaesu FT-757GXll CAT so I emailed support and Don built a driver. It was beta and we emailed back and forth a few times and it kept getting better and better.
This is a powerful piece of software and it has so many bells and whistles. It makes logging and contesting so easy. I would reccomend this software for any Mac Lover. I cannot wait to upgrade to better equipment and be able to use all of its capabilities. I love the integration of so many programs into one that all interact with one another. I use the DXCluster and have been able to log 9 contries in a month without working very hard and with only a folded dipole. Don Agro just keeps adding more bells and whistles and it keeps getting better even when you thought it was excellent to begin with.
The addition of the Stack in Ver 4.0.9 was stroke of genius and just a cherry on the top of a beautiful thought out piece of software, taking Ham radio into the 21st century with great Ham radio software. If you have suggestions to make it better or add new features he listens. It is the best money I have spent in ham radio it makes it a pleasure to jump from one band to another so quickly and effortlessly when chasing DX. It is alot more than just a log program.
If you have not tried it - do like I did and download a trial version and get hooked. You will be glad you did!

On June 13, 2005 John Seney (WD1V) wrote:

Best Support - Great Product!

I know Mac ham software pretty well. As the founder of Macnet (back in '88 when hams were hams and data was on FLOPPYs - none of this USB stick, OS-X Tiger, PSK stuff) - I learned how to judge Mac ham programs. Nothing back then was as cool as this one is, right here, right now.
MacLoggerDX is a total winner. This program puts more fun back into your hobby. VFO and S meter read automatically, 3D maps, CW keyer, instant dupe check, packet cluster spots and click - instant QSY - you are there. Don even responds to custom AppleScript requests and supports this gem via email same day - usually same hour!
Stop thinking - just get it! 73 John - WD1V in NH

On July 1, 2005 Mike Sheleheda (K4MTS) wrote:

MacLoggerDX is one of the best ham radio logging programs out there, Mac or pc, period. MacLoggerDX has more features than can be listed here. It's a fantastic amateur radio logging program. It connects to DX clusters and displays spots as they are received, looks up calls on HamCall.com and QRZ.com (or CD). MLDX also controls more than 50 different amateur and shortwave radios. It tracks, WAS, WAZ, DXCC, VUCC and IOTA awards. You can even use it to plot APRS packets. It also works as a contest logging program using the Contest Helper window, and so much more. It really is the Swiss Army Knife of ham software. The developer of the software is very responsive to any requests for new features or enhancements from users.

On July 10, 2005 Richard Provencal (VE2OTT) wrote:

Superfine software

Simply, the best hamradio software I have seen and used. I have been on PC's for years, switched to Mac for professionnal reasons. What a great surprise when I decided to give a try to MacLoggerDx. MLDX is loaded with features and very intuitive. You won't need anything else for DXing. DXCluster, Logging, Radio Control, Map, name it, it's in MacLoggerDX. The support from Don Agro, the author, is impeccable.
Richard VE2OTT

On August 24, 2005 Richard Kneeshaw (KB6GZ) wrote:

The Best !

MacLoggerDX has put excitement back in Ham radio. It's easy to use, connects to both of my rigs, has a cool world map view, and even prints my QSL cards. I especially like it's ability to keep track of awards. I'm just about to work my 50th state! I have it running on an old Mac 6100 and on a G4 laptop when I'm operating from my motorhome. It looks up contacts from the internet via my cell phone when I operate mobile. The support is nearly instant. Don gets back to you usually the same day.

On August 24, 2005 Jim Brooke (WZ8K) wrote:


I sent an email on a Sunday regarding a problem with the online callsign lookup. I got a quick response from Don (less than 30 minutes). The problem was fixed with a new beta version within a couple of hours. I really was not expecting a response on a Sunday, much less correction of the issue.
This program is great for general logging, award tracking and contesting. I also use the template for exporting results to Filemaker Pro as well as the ARRL LOTW.
MacLoggerDX has proven itself to be a fine shack accessory.

On August 25, 2005 Bob Ross (N2OML) wrote:

Great Program

I'm a long time user of the Mac - MacLoggerDX is a great program. Just wanted to add my 2 cents.....

On August 25, 2005 Iñigo Bastarrika (EA2BXV) wrote:

Wonderful Log for Macintosh

The MacLogger DX is a continuous evolutioning software which increases its features weekly.
Made with the Mac philosophy: simplicity, easy to use and extremetly powerful.
It uses nice screens for entering log information, to see zoomable and resizable world map, schedules, memories, qsos by bands, dx cluster information, tnc information, qsl manager, awards... etc...
There is not such a good program for PC-s. Just a reason enough for a ham pc user to buy a Mac.
And what about the support ? It seems that the author of the program (Don Agro) never sleeps. He answers any question, suggestion about the software, sometimes, in minutes !!!
An incredible support ever known for an 80 bucks program.
It is perfect!
73 de I–igo EA2BXV

On August 25, 2005 Ted Turk (G7BQM) wrote:

Here in the UK, Macs are not common in Amateur Radio, (certainly no others in my club). I would say that if you are thinking of upgrading your computer, don't buy a new one until you have seen MacLoggerDX running. The initial learning curve was fairly painless, even for a new Mac convert like me! As others have said, the support from Don Agro is superb and he has very quickly helped me on at least three occasions by interpreting the 'Debug' file selectable under 'Preferences' and giving me a pointer to the problem. Embarassingly, each time I have felt obliged to apologise because the problem was actually outside MLDX, a fact not always apparent to the novice. On the last occasion when my newly built Elecraft K2 would not log on to the software, it turned out to be a faulty, brand new serial to USB converter!! In short, a Mac, a K2 and MLDX are an awesome combination, which I have no hesitation in recommending.

On February 18, 2004 Jim Baker (W2NSF) wrote:

It does the job!

This program is well-written, feature-rich, innovative, excellently-supported, and one heck of a value. I can't recommend it highly enough. I've run it through its paces and it performed beautifully.
When I finally linked it to the tranceiver (I'd been running it stand-alone due to a bad interface unit on my radio) all the pieces fell into place - total integration! Now I look forward to contesting with this set-up.
My hat is off to Don Agro - he makes the best ham radio software, period.

On February 10, 2004, Darryl Holder (K4KIA) wrote:

I had been looking for some time for a Mac OS X driver for my Icom PCR-1000. I tried to port some Linux utilities, but did not really succeed. Luckily, last week I ran accross MacLoggerDX.
The website showed "almost too good to be true" functionality for this application, along with the most expensive shareware price I had ever seen. Still - I gave it a shot.
I was truly astounded by thoroughness and functionality of this application - the many features it provides, and especially the large number of rigs, rotors, etc. that it supports.
The only problem I experienced was tuning to WideFM directly from the Memory list for the PCR-1000. Several emails over a 24-hour period, got the problem worked out and it "Sings Like the Fat Lady" - thanks, Don.
Top quality products is why I have stayed with Apple and the Mac, since Apple II - origional days. I expect Apple software to try to match the Apple hardware. From what I have seen in MacLoggerDX so far it is right on target.
The shareware price is very reasonable considering the depth of functionality of this application. Why don't the Big Boys provide this value?
The care and thoughtfullness of the service provided goes well past the "extra mile" to help with a user's problems.
A great product and even better service.
Darryl Holder - K4KIA

On March 2, 2004 Bill Mahaffey (W6EET) wrote:

After having a mac since 1984 this program essentially saved me from the trials, tribulations and anger of the windows world. This program is indeed fun to use. How many useful programs do you have about which that can be said?
I have been using this program for about a year now and I am still amazed at it and Don, the developer. The program itself runs flawlessly, and Don updates it with an almost dizzying frequency. The best thing about his updates are that they aren't bug fixes but enhancements. I am sure that most of the enhancements were driven by user requests or suggestions.
I wrote a program that controls my jupiter and interfaces with a cw generater called "WinKey" (a really nice item), as well as MacLoggerDX. I think of it as a keyboard on steroids plus. Don has made modifications to his software at my request that greatly helped my program do what I want it to do.
I can't say enough about it. There is no reason not to use it!
Bill Mahaffey W6EET

On April 19, 2004 B. Scott Andersen (NE1RD) wrote:

I just sent my cards in for my first DXCC award. I don't see how I could have possibly done it without this amazing program. A description of all its features would fill many pages so I won't even attempt it here. Let me just say that it has linked to my FT-817, FT-897, and Icom 746Pro flawlessly and has been an integral part of my shack since I got on the air. It is, by far, the best money I've spent on the hobby thus far.
But, it doesn't stop there. The program is visually stunning. The world map with gray line and plotted spots is usually the panel that hooks visitors. Finally, I should note that my poor PC using friends walk away feeling quite saddened that they don't have anything nearly as nice. "Get a Mac", I say--and get MacLoggerDX.

On April 19, 2004 Bruce Van Houten (KB1IIX) wrote:

I've had this program for a few months and it is simply unbelievable! I've been keeping a paper log for some time and needed a program to track dupes and awards. Well, this one sure does that, and a lot of other things. I entered my paper logs in Excel and MacLoggerDX took care of the rest. Super look-ups and now I have a very complete log.
I wanted to hook up the Mac to my TS-440S and MicroHam supplied me with an interface. Didn't work. Nice emails from MicroHam and they said they would try and get an updated driver from the driver supplier. Right. Well...it happened! And in only a few weeks! Loaded the driver and magic, everything works as advertised.
Great support from Don and from MicroHam.
They are simply the best!!

On June 12, 2004, Richard Lim (KQ9L) wrote:

I have now used MacLogger DX (MLDX) for over a year and my enthusiasm for the product remains the same. The program is versatile, reliable, flexible and most of all user friendly.
Don Agro has done a super job in continually developing the program to suit the needs of Ham operators. He has encorporated all the features which the general Ham operator demands in a logging and rig control program. He has even added some features which would appeal to the contester, but in all honestly MLDX is not designed with contesting as its forte.
The most attactive feature of the program has been and will remain the great user interface. MLDX has a wonderful layout with radio VFO information and QSO information in the main panel. You can then choose what secondary panel you would like displayed. For instance, you can have your current log below the VFO / QSO panel or perhaps a map which shows where the OM you are in QSO with lives!! Super neat!
Finally, enough cannot be said about Don's TREMENDOUS customer support! I recently exchanged emails with him in attempts to fine tune the programs communications with my rig and amp. Don actually RE-WROTE some of the code to make sure that MLDX worked perfectly with my rig!! How can you beat that!!
Ok enough talk about the program, if you are a Mac user and are looking for a great Logging program and rig control interface, look no further, because it can be found right here with MLDX. 73's and hope to see you on the air!

On June 13, 2004 Barry Baker (K0QV) wrote:

My quest for the ultimate logging software began two years ago. I have always been a "die hard" PC user, had built several machines, and run three of the other logging packages (licensed software, not freebies, not stolen, and not shareware).
I became aware of MacLogger a few months ago. Since that time I have been looking for a reason to buy a Macintosh. As luck would have it, my PC has been "Rock Solid".
Yes, I bought an eMac anyway. I was compelled to run MacLoggerDX. Wow, I have not been disappointed. The World Map that places all your QSO's as "blips" is so cool. I had been doing the same thing with a map and map flags. Time to "break out the Drywall mud, and repair that wall. What about how "deluxe" the capability of scanning the actual QSL cards? I could go on. Check out some of the screen shots at www.dogparksoftware.com MacLoggerDX is the sexiest logging software ever.
Upon purchase of the software, I started having problems. The first problem involved using a USB/serial cable without Mac supported drivers. Had I read the info at the website, this problem could have been averted. The site clearly states which cable to buy. However, I E-Mailed Don VE3VRW on a Sunday afternoon. He responded within minutes. Bang, problem solved, buy the right cable. Yet, I was never made to feel inferior that the info was clearly on the site. Thanks for your professional courtesy, Don.
Ok, armed with the correct cable and a few hours on a Saturday afternoon to "play radio". I discover that my 756pro and PW-1 amp aren't "talking" to MacLoggerDX. I send another E-mail to Don. Within a few minutes the response arrives. Don wants a copy of my debug log, and a screen shot. Two hours later, there is a new beta version for me to try. Maclogger still doesn't "talk" to the radio and amp. Only minutes this time, and Don has a new new beta version to try. Viola, everything works great.
If Don where working hourly, he would have lost his "keester" on my sale. 2 hour software update and a few E-Mail correspondance. All at "time and half" for the week-end work to support an obscure amplifier. Thanks for a great product, that is very professionally done and well supported. I can not imagine using anything else. This praise comes from a guy who paid $1000 to run MacLoggerDX. Remember... I bought an eMac specifically to run this application.

On September 10, 2004 JD Marston wrote:

"I just finished loading (finally) OSX into my laptop to run my MacLogger DX and, MLDX is a visual and functional delight! Because I'm still working on getting my ham license, I use MacLogger DX for ALL my short wave listening.
I love how I can tune incrementally and with great resolution and fineness with the touch of a key and control modality as well. I also really appreciate the schedules programmed into the software that tune me automatically to my favorite short wave stations - as well as the search functions I've programmed myself that snap me right into those hard to find DX stations that I might normally miss.
MacLogger DX never fails me and gets me immediately on the mark. Also, when I'm enjoying listening to hams, I am amazed at how quickly their QTH and other info appears on the map and in the QSL info page. I'm also really delighted to see the inclusion of the VHF and UHF frequencies in the "bands" window. Because my first license will probably be Technician (hopefully with code) I listen to a number of repeaters in my area to gain operating experience on repeaters and also find out about the local hams who live within a 200 hundred mile radius. MacLogger DX lets me keep notes on these folks so that when I finally meet them, I remember something about them.
And finally the DX nodes search function with 'auto lookup' and 'auto tune' lets me hear MANY DX stations that I would normally miss. I even heard a mobile maritime net that helped a ham on a boat off the coast of Honduras who was being chased by bandits! It was amazing to hear how hams from around the country pitched in to get the poor guy useful information that got him safely out of a life and death situation. If it hadn't been for MacLogger DX, I never would have had that experience. This is what makes shortwave truly exciting!
Thanks so much for your perseverance in creating a continually improving product that is worth every penny."
All the best, JD

On October 1, 2004 Richard Russell (W5YK) wrote:

The best thing about Maclogger is that it allowed me to give my PC the big heave-ho into the trash can, and put a proper computer in the shack (G5 dual processor). The program is very slick and professional - it could have come from Apple the way it looks and feels.
All the features I need for casual operating and award chasing are in there. I don't do any contesting, so I can't comment on that side of it. The dx cluster interface is particularly good. It interfaces to all the radios in my shack, including a JRC transceiver which most of the other programs don't support very well.
Very easy to use - I never have to look in the manual, its all very logical.
Major plus point - it has never crashed or trashed my qso log.
Support is really good - there are new releases all the time, and Don Agro, the author, is good at adding special features for you if they add to the general usefulness. Like other users, I've had Don send me a feature I wanted within a day or two.
Highly recommended.

On October 1, 2004 B. Scott Andersen (NE1RD) wrote:

I stand by my previous review and would like to amplify my praise for this product and Dog Park Software because of something, I think quite extraordinary, that happened recently. I was using MacLoggerDX with the MFJ code reader by piping the serial output from the reader into the TNC window. The program wasn't designed for this, of course, but I thought I'd try anyway. It almost worked first time. The MFJ code reader didn't put out line feed characters and the text was not wrapping in the TNC window of MacLoggerDX. Shucks, I thought, so close, yet so far.
Next comes the extraordinary thing: I wrote Don Agro at Dog Park and told him about it on September 18th around 2PM. Don wrote back to me almost immediately and said he'd look into it. A few hours later, Don had a version of MacLoggerDX with automatic text wrapping in that window to support the MFJ code reader output. I could snag off his server immediately. So, I do something kind of unreasonable, write the company, the company responds within minutes, has a new version available to me in hours, and it addresses my problem. How many times has that happened to you?
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you all: September 18th was a Saturday!
This is a fantastic product. It also has extraordinary support from Don. Perhaps it doesn't do everything, but I'd be horrified if it tried. What it does do, it does extraordinarily well. And Don stands behind it.
Does it do what you need? Dog Park Software provides an FTP site where you can grab the latest full-featured version and try it. Play with it until you can make an informed decision whether it works for you and whether it is worth the (I believe very reasonable) price they charge. You can test the full-featured version in your shack before you buy. Caveat emptor is a whole lot easier when you've got full versions to evaluate!
My 2-cents.
-- Scott (NE1RD)

On October 4, 2004 Barry Baker (K0QV) wrote:

I am a ham, and my primary enjoyment is chasing DX. I have tried many logging products, but never a Macintosh product. Some of the previous software was shareware, and at least two were fully licensed products in the same price range as MacLogger DX. MacLogger wins "hands down". The ease of looking up DX addresses and translating that to actual labels for QSL's is a breeze. Now with the new premium "lookup service" from qrz.com, MacLogger DX is always current with DX addresses. Have you seen the map feature? Wow it is too nice to describe, go to the website and check some of the screen shots.
A quick note about the wonderful support from DogPark. I have had a problem or two, and always received support within an hour. DogPark must be watching their e-mail address 24/7. I have gotten support at 9PM on a Saturday night. Did I mention that the problems were both self inflicted?? Hi HI
The product is well supported with new features being added often. I have noticed that many of the new features are the result of comments from users on the MacLoggerDX forum. I have never seen a software product's development driven directly by the users, but I like it.
This is great product. Thanks DogPark for the best logging software ever. Now, can you do something about this solar cycle ?

On October 4, 2004 Ken Reid (KG4USN) wrote:

Maclogger Rocks !

I am using MacLoggerDX3.9.8.with a Dual G-5 and Icom 756. Both the program and the support have surpased all my needs and expectations. This is a very intuitive program , so no need to be going back to manual much. Don Agro the owner is quick to answer any questions and any problems one might encounter.
Version upgrades are free within a reasonable amount of time (not sure exactly , but I have purchsed only one or two upgrades in the last few years (while I have downloaded many version upgrades in the same time period.FYI - my pal at a large ham radio store tells me he is seeing many hams moving over to macs these days.
So try it out and purchase with confidence that you are really getting a great value. We Mac people are really lucky to have a guy like Don Agro programming for our needs.
Regards to all. KG4USN

On October 29, 2004, Albert Dupont (W5AFD) wrote:

Hello Fellow Mac-Hams,
I just wanted to send a public thanks to Mr. Don Agro. I have been using MacLogger DX for a few months and everyday I'm amazed at what it can do! However, I chase grids on six meters and there was no way to track VUCC with the program. Since Six has been pretty dead lately I have been keying in my old paper logs and was thinking it sure would be nice to able to keep track of my grids.
So I figure, it doesn't hurt to ask about adding VUCC to the awards tracker. I wrote an email to Mr. Agro on Oct. 24th and he sent back a response that no one had ever asked about adding that feature and he would put it on the list. Five days later there it is! Now that's what I call service.
What a Great Program! If you haven't tried it you don't know what your missing, and as an added benefit, your PC friends will be very jealous of all the great features. I am running the program on an old iMacDV 400mhz and a Kenwood TS-480at and it works great.
Albert Dupont

On November 26, 2004, Gary Grove (K7EJ) wrote:

Superb Software

My work requires extensive use of both Windows and Macintosh computer platforms. There are things that I like (and dislike) about both systems. When it came to choosing a piece of software for DX/amateur radio I just assumed that it would be one developed for the Windows system. That made things easy because even though we have a Macintosh in the house, I’d never used it for amateur radio. Unfortunately there is not much radio-oriented software out there for the Mac. I began evaluating DX-ware about 12 months ago and found several packages for Windows that I considered adequate. However, most of them suffered from one or more “glitches”: non-intuitive interfaces, instability, and what I consider “afterthought kernels”. I liked only Ham Radio Deluxe enough to pay anything for it. Most of the other programs that I tested on the Windows platform did just about everything, but they did very few things correctly. Many were unstable on my Dell Pentium 4/Windows 2000 machine.
Then one day I came across MacLoggerDX. I decided to download it and give it a try. I purchased it about 3 minutes after and installed the Demo. After 3 months of putting it through its paces I consider it the finest piece of amateur radio software that I’ve ever used. It combines that “intuitive feel” and processing stability that Mac users have come to require in a piece of software. None of the Windows programs that I tested combined both characteristics. Not only has the Mac replaced the PC in the shack, it has become the center of my DX activities in the shack. Don Agro has created an incomparable piece of software.
Efficient navigation is made possible by several pull-down menus and a multi-buttoned navigation bar. The preference screen is self-explanatory and intuitive. No microscopic menu bar icons need to be identified to get from point A to point B. Interfacing with my Ten-Tec Omni VI, Jupiter, and Argonaut V was a breeze. There are also TNC and rotor interface configuration areas in the preferences windows, but I did not use them. I encountered some ISP-related callsign lookup problems, but these difficulties were not software-related. However, Don Agro helped me solve the problem!
For the DX hound “ground zero” is the DX cluster window. A plethora of Internet packet clusters are available from a popup window. Once connected to a cluster the fun begins. I have the program configured to do most of my thinking. When a DX Spot appears on the cluster, the program makes a voice announcement, looks up the call using a QRZ CD or Internet search, places the spot on the world map, tunes the radio to the frequency and mode, and gives a beam heading (I suspect that it would turn the rotor for me too, but Santa hasn’t brought the serial-equipped rotor box yet). Once the DX is snagged, I just click “Log QSO” and it is in the log. And, it is doing all of this for me and I’ve yet to read the manual!
Click into the Log pane and all qso information appears. The log can be sorted by clicking on column headings. Columns can be moved by “dragging and dropping”. The program automatically keeps track of progress towards some of the more common awards. There are also band and memory panes where the DX’er can do just about any store almost limitless memory information and scan for band activity by moving a slider.
I’ve ran the software without problems on a PowerMac G4, two Powerbook G4’s, and on a PowerMac 65. I’ve barely scratched the surface of this software’s capability, but I recommend it without reservation. It has renewed by interest in ham radio and has really made me appreciate the capabilities of the Macintosh platform.

On January 13, 2003, Richard Lim (KQ9L) wrote:

Great job Don, I tell ya, when I bought the program I had no idea that there would be so many updates, it just keeps getting better!!

On January 14, 2003 Scott Andersen (NE1RD) wrote:

Hams with a Macintosh MUST own this feature rich, powerful logging program. It gets/sets frequency and mode from your rig, logs contacts, finds previous contacts, and everything else you'd expect from a logging program PLUS has a nice world map with grayline shown, plots the locations of our contact via Madenhead grid info, coordinates with DX spotting nets, and more.
Now it even tracks awards (DXCC & WAS). Support is EXCELLENT and you can tell Don Agro (developer at Dog Park Software) has a passion for making this software great. This is a fantastic product that makes using your Mac with your rig fun. I couldn't be happier.
73 -- Scott (NE1RD)

On January 30, 2003, Douglas Theriault (NO1D) wrote:

Hello Don,
Just wanted to say thanks for the turn-around. I tried this software last night and was hooked on the demo. Thanks for producing some great ham software for the Mac.
Thanks again,
Doug - NO1D

On March 16, 2003, Richard Russel (W5YK) wrote:

The first thing I noticed about this software is how professional it looks in use. It has the look and feel of a proper commercial product, as opposed to the homebrew look of most ham radio software.
The second nice surprise was that it works with my JRC transceiver. I wasn't able to do that with my PC logging program (no names!). What a novelty to set up the DX packet cluster monitor so that it would speak the name of the DX and then tune the JRC to the frequency.
After playing around with this for five minutes, it was a no-brainer to pay up and get a registered version.
If you have an old iMac lying around, like I did, this program is perfect. Even though it was a pretty old machine, I got OSX loaded with no problem, and MacLogger Dx runs fine on it. I picked up the USB serial interface at CompUSA, and had no problems at all.
In operation, the program is easier to use than anything I've tried before. I like the fact that you can type in a callsign and click the "looup" button to get the guy's details off the internet, set your beam heading, see if you've worked him before etc, before you commit to putting him in the log. I'm sure the other programs do that too, but I never figured it out. this package is much easier to use in every way - you don't need a user manual. The map display is a nice touch.
The only slight downside so far is that my Seiko label printer doesn't work on a Mac, so I'm back to printing QSL labels a whole page at a time on an HP printer.
If you have a Mac or a JST245, this is definitely the right logging software for you. Anyone need my old PC?

On April 16, 2003, Walter O'Brien (KC2LBO) wrote:

This is one of those rare but pleasurable occasions where the software gets a rave and a 5 not just for what it does, but also how well it does it, and most importantly, the support.
A few weeks back I wrote to Don Agro, the developer, to see if he had a driver for the Yaesu FT-897. Unlike most companies, not only did he respond immediately, but he was honest, said no, not yet, but sent me what he had worked up to have me test it out (others also, I'm sure).
The app looked great, ran smooth, had an incredible amount of cool functions.. Oh yeah, but it didn't control my FT-897 at all... No problem, emailed Don, within minutes (yeh, minutes!) Don sent me a new driver and some tips on the USB adapter I was using. Turns out the Keyspan USB twin had JUST posted a fix for the JUST released OS X 10.2.5 update, plus I was plugging into the keyboard USB port, which doesn't always work as well as the hub ports due to a lack of powering.
Anyway, got some action, the radio tuned back and forth like a champ on the HF bands, or from VHF to HF, but for some reason wouldn't get from HF to VFH. I sent Don the debug file, went and watched NYPD Blue, came back, and there was a whole new version, with a fix that absolutely works brilliantly now, and even a few more NEW features!
So, rather than clog this board describing the killer features, go download this thing for yourself, and enjoy it.
As for me, once I find my stray USB audio input jack and microphone, I'm running Don's Mac EchoLink app, EchoMac, and then the Sony Vaio goes up on ebay for good!

On August 22, 2003 JD Marston wrote:

As a former ham (40 years ago) now returned as a SWL, I find the world of radio is totally different. I feel like Rip van Winkle. It is a delight to find a product like MacLoggerDX that is easy to use and understand. As a working photographer, I find the Mac platform much more suitable for my needs and to find a product like MacLogger that allows me to function in the Mac Radio world is a joy.
Of all the Mac programs I have tried, this is the absolute best. The graphics are great-easy to read and activate. The ham band tuning scales are unique and fast acting, the preset programming of favorite schedules is really handy, the map is beautiful and immediately exciting when callsigns are looked up and located with beam orientation. Also, the automated QSL features make verification simple, easy and elegant. Tuning in this software is easy and extremely precise, especially for SSB, with many controls for controlling coarseness and fineness of tuning. Also, creating and working with a scan memory list is easy, fast and with the addition of the new, user adjustable scan resume threshold slider, interface between user and unit is greatly enhanced.
On top of all that, I have never met a software developer that is so responsive, helpful, and with a degree of integrity that is rare these days. Don has responded so quickly to suggestions and problems with fixes and upgrades, that I can only imagine his office is filled with smoke from the speed of fingers burning keyboard. I give this software two thumbs up, Roger!

On September 6, 2003 Walter O'Brien (KC2LBO) wrote:

As a Mac user since 1984 but a computer user since the late 60's I was pretty used to dealing with DOS and Windows but so much preferred Mac - I hated that "fact" that I was stuck with Windows clunk software for my ham radio hobby. After weeks of struggling through Windows XP installs, uninstalls, reinstalls, all sorts of Windows ham radio logging and contesting application installs and uninstalls I was lucky enough to stumble onto MacLoggerDX!!!!
MacLoggerDX does just about everything you could want, it does it gracefully and aesthetically besides, just like most things Mac OS X. None of those weird boxy Windows screens and impossible to remember or decipher codes to do the most basic operations. It's all there on the menus and panels!
Best of all, its like the weather in New England - if you don't like it, wait 5 minutes... if there's anything you might wish MLDX might do, Don (the developer) is liable to respond to your suggestion with an update featuring your idea within minutes.Far and away the most reponsive support I've ever seen.
The logging and mapping and dx cluster has completely changed and improved the whole ham radio experience - I see some callsign I don't recognize on a dxcluster, the radio automatically tunes to that frequency, the Mac screen tells me the country, name, details about that ham operator anywhere in the world, even shows me where in the world he is on a world map! If I decide to work him I have everything I need to get a jump on the crowd, and if he comes back, one button click records the entire qso, all the info including my notes, and even prints and tracks qsl's!
Finally that windows laptop is off the desk and no more pain! Thanks MacLoggerDX..

On October 1, 2003, Ted Bohrer (N7QY) wrote:

Hi Don
Your program is so great I must compliment you again.
Today I received 12 QSL cards from the Bureau, and what a joy I had logging them as received!
I merely entered the call, Look UP and Previous, and there it was.
I logged the QSL as 'received' (with a "B" for Bureau), and hit SAVE.
After a reload (button), all the new QSLs were properly logged in.
The whole program is smooth and fun to work with.
There are many features I have yet to use, but I am looking forward to them.
Thanks again for all your attention and great work on a superlative program.

On December 11, 2003, Ted Bohrer (N7QY) wrote:

I worked a new country thanks to MLDX spots after 2 months of nothing before using it..
I was working on my business and heard "bing" and saw T30M on 20SSB.
Just clicked on him, and whammo, good to go.
Without your program I was stuck wasting time and not getting ahead in DXCC.
Thanks again.
Ted N7QY

On June 6, 2002 Steve Hellyer wrote

Without this software I would be just wasting my time dialing around my receiver searching for DX communications. The software locates people communicating using Internet and DX cluster technology and show you on a map where they are transmitting from.
This software just keeps on getting better and better! If you have a shortwave radio with a serial control port this software is a must have!

On June 8, 2002 Bill Myers (K1GQ) wrote:

Cool map zoom.
Cool map labels.
I suppose next you're going to implement clicking on a label to transfer its spot information into the new log entry fields :-)
Is there a limit to the number of items on the DX Spots menu? I like to leave MacLoggerDX running all day -- the list gets a bit lengthy without a way to clear it.
I love this app !

On June 12, 2002, Scott Clausen (NF7Y) wrote:

Keep up the good work. I love this app !
73, Scott

On June 20, 2002, Pete Seabolt wrote:

I don't even work DX but I want to Purchase MacLogger. You write the coolest best software for the Mac that blows the Windows stuff away.

On June 20, 2002, Barry Delong (VA3BJD) wrote:

I have been using it daily and it really works great. Good support. DogPark is constantly adding features. If your into DX this software is for you.

On July 28, 2002, John Rippey (W3ULS) wrote:

As it stands, MacLogger DX is among the top ham logging programs and way exceeds my expectations from back when we first exchanged e-mails.

On September 22, 2002, Chuck Sherman (N3WTO) wrote:

This program is really cool. the zoomed maps are beautiful. It's fun to watch the map window and listen to the spots.

On November 28, 2002, John Wiesenfeld (W5NYC) wrote:

Very impressive. Having developed software for the Mac when it first came out, I know how difficult it really is...Thanks again for the good support.

On December 1, 2002, B. Scott Andersen (NE1RD) wrote:

Bug submitted at 1AM Sunday morning.
Bug fixed by 10AM same Sunday morning.
Wow. That's incredible! Thanks!

-- Scott

On December 11, 2002, Pete. Meier (WK8S) wrote:

I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that I appreciate your dedication to support of this software product, MacLoggerDX, and your extremely fast response to emails. I'm sure other users feel the same way. A good product deserves good support and you certainly provide it.
Pete Meier WK8S

On December 16, 2002, Brian B. Riley (N1BQ) wrote:

Just spent a hard 10 driving minutes playing with the system on my 817, went into a DXCluster and set it up to talk and auto tune, impressed the heck out of my wife Sara (W1SLR), and she is a computer geek as I am and not impressed easily ... You have done a magnificent job here. I don't think I have seen any ham program as polished as this ....
cheers ... 73 de brian, n1bq