dogparkSDR can display DXCluster spots from MacLoggerDX (requires V6) or spots stored in the Radio (SmartSDR v2.3+) by MacLoggerDX or another logging program.
MacLoggerDX must be running on the same Mac as dogparkSDR with the dogparkSDR Spots check box enabled in the MacLoggerDX DXClusters prefs and the MLDX Spots check box enabled in the Radio Prefs.
dogparkSDR can also display spots uploaded to the radio server, the SmartSDR Radio Spots check box must be enabled in the MacLoggerDX DXClusters prefs and the Radio Spots check box must be enabled in the Radio Prefs.
MacLoggerDX filter criteria are used to select the spots displayed with the exception of lookup spots which are filtered out, and skimmer spots which are only displayed if they are enabled in the MacLoggerDX Band Plan Prefs Show Skimmers in Bands Panel check box.
When first starting both programs you can force a reload of all eligible spots by changing any of the DXCluster filter criteria in MacLoggerDX.
Spot Color Codes
A check mark beside the call indicates that you have worked this station before and it is in your log. A green check mark indicates you have worked this station on this band, red a different band.
Mousing over any spot will cause it to display in green, clicking the spot will tune the nearest Slice to the spot frequency and Mode, a double-click will also trigger a lookup in MacLoggerDX.
MacLoggerDX can control the Flex and any change in frequency will be reflected in the dogparkSDR display.
If the Tune MLDX check box is enabled in the Radio prefs, MacLoggerDX will automatically track the active slice frequency and mode without being connected to the radio. This can be usefull when working a remote radio through SmartLink since MacLoggerDX will not need a radio connection of it's own and will log the frequency and mode sent to it by dogparkSDR.