QSL Panel

The QSL Panel allows you to create and send electronic QSL cards.

All of the information that MacLoggerDX found for the QSO is used to create a personalized image which is sent as as an attachment to an email.

The Background Image slider varies the transparency of the background image, and if moved all the way to the right removes the image entirely.

The Call checkbox enables/disables printing of your call sign and grid square.

The Color Well activates the color picker which specifies color printing of the info box background as well as setting it's opacity.

The Call at Bottom checkbox will swap the call and info box positions.

The Dark Info checkbox chooses printing of the Info text panel in black or white.

The Dark Call checkbox chooses printing of the Call sign and Grid Square text in black or white.

The Font popup selects the display font.

The Remarks Text Edit box allows you to apply additional comments to the image, which are saved between sessions.

The Email Note Text Edit box allows you to apply additional comments to the email, which are saved between sessions.

This Terminal app default will determine the QSL picture text preamble in the email.

         defaults write com.dogparksoftware.MacLoggerDX qsl_picture_preamble_string "\n\nAttached is my electronic QSL card.\n\n"

The Image checkbox enables/disables the background image.

The New Image button allows you to select any picture you like as the background picture. Landscape format pictures work best, since MacLoggerDX fits the image to the eQSL card. The image file is used in place, not copied.

The Email QSL button will image the eQSL card and activate the Mail application (which must be the default email reader since no other macOS mail clients support sharing attachments), compose an email message and add the eQSL image as an attachment.

The Print QSL Button will create a standard 300 dpi .png file named MacLoggerDX_qsl_to_CALLSIGN.png, in your ~/Documents/MLDX_Logs/qsl/ folder and then asks the Preview application to display it but you can print the file from any application.

The Use QSOs Selected in Log check box will email or print all the QSOs selected in your Log Panel when you press the Email QSL or Print QSL Buttons, otherwise whatever is displayed in your DX panel will be used - including the current radio frequency and mode.

The Page Width and Page Height values will display in inches or cm based on the kilometers setting in your Station Prefs.